white-badge-ca1(s)eliens/.CREATE/collect-white.pdf · white-game-chance(s) world(s) / experience(s) / mechanics(s) / pattern(s) chance is tricky stu , because it intertwines hard - [PDF Document] (2024)


media @ create ... / idea(s) / cycle(s) / / .

together we ... create

problem(s) / resource(s)


media @ create ... / idea(s) / cycle(s) / / .

together we ... work?

problem(s) / resource(s)


media @ create ... / idea(s) / cycle(s) / / .

together we ... resist!

... / player(s) / problem(s) / / resource(s)


media @ create ... / idea(s) / cycle(s) / / .

together we ... watch!?

problem(s) / resource(s)


media @ create ... / idea(s) / cycle(s) / / .

together we ... ...?

problem(s) / resource(s)


media @ create ... / idea(s) / cycle(s) / / .

together we ... create

problem(s) / resource(s)


... / idea(s) / cycle(s) / / .

¡span id=cycle¿¡/span¿


game(s) – answer(s) workshop(s) / instinct(s) / world(s) / quest(s) / science(s) / place(s)

sometimes attaining the deepest familiarity with a question is our best substitute for actually having theanswer.

from Brian Green – The Elegant Universe (p. 365) / question(s) / cycle(s)


world(s) / experience(s) / mechanics(s) / pattern(s)

chance is tricky stuff, because it intertwines hard math, human psychology, and all of the basic gamemechanics.

... but this trickiness is what gives games their richness, complexity and depth.

from: Jesse Schell – The Art of Game Design – A Book of Lenses


eyebook / game(s) / source / cycle(s) / color(s)

¡iframe width=550 height=400 src=../media/sample-js-color.htm¿ no iframe supported ¡/iframe¿


idea(s) / innovation(s) / dream(s) / rule(s) / change(s)

our commitment to the technological civilization has accelerated, but unfortunately we have not as yetfully understood, much less accepted, the psychological and social changes associated with the newsources of energy, the exploration of space, and the computer revolution.

1973: Jurgen Ruesch: Therapeutic Communication


game(s) – CTSG / creative technology superpower game(s) idea(s) / ... / space(s)

Creative Technology Superpower Game(s), where the main focus is to investigate playful applica-tions of technology to emulate or support players’ superpowers, such as invisibility, telekinesis, etcetera,in (for example) interactive space(s).

Our investigations involve workshop(s) in game design as well as application development as part of thecreative technology curriculum, using all available resource(s).

theme(s) / workshop(s) / @ning / @google / cycle(s)


game(s) – document(s) inspiration(s) / imagination(s)

• vision of the game – summary, game goals, mood/theme

• primary & secondary features – environments, mechanics, interactions

• game mechanics – traversal, camera control & movements

• combat – style & delivery, targeting, charge-ups, defense, combo(s)

• player challenges – enemies, strength & weakness, attacks, AI & NPC(s)

• environmental designs & interaction – terrain, interaction, danger, scope

• characters – attributes, locations, destination(s)

• level design – layout, maps & hotspots, puzzle(s)

GDD: chapter


eyebook / game(s) / source / cycle(s)

¡iframe width=550 height=450 src=../media/sample-js-dodge.htm¿ no iframe supported ¡/iframe¿


game(s) – engine(s) / CTSG inspiration(s) / imagination(s)

• unity – unity3d.com

• unreal – udk.com

• source sdk – source.valvesoftware.com

• dark GDK – gdk.thegamecreators.com

• delta3D – www.delta3d.org

• dragon age – dragonage.bioware.com/toolset

• open frameworks – www.openframeworks.cc

• basic technologies (DIY) – HTML5/AJAX / flex/as3


game(s) – example(s) inspiration(s) / engine(s)

• world of goo – 2dboy.com/games.php

• crayon – www.crayonphysics.com

• flower(s) – thatgamecompany.com/games/flower

• braid – www.braid-game.com

• zen bound – zenbound.com

• lapis – www.moboid.com/lapis/LapisPres.htm

• blueberry – eriksvedang.wordpress.com/blueberrygarden

trendspotting san francisco GDC 09 (VPRO) / floor game(s)


game(s) – health(s) inspiration(s)

fitness – www.virtuagym.com

• elderly care – www.silverfit.nl/en

• diabetes – www.gripsugarkids.nl

immovator / izovator


workshop(s) / game(s) / create(s) / challenge(s) / go / TINAG / CTSG

communication is the key to creativity


innovation(s) / space(s) / communication(s) / idea(s) /

imagination is the one weapon against reality

/ whatsthehubbub.nl / screen(s) / cycle(s)


innovation(s) / screen(s) / machine(s) / cycle(s)

... immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets makeit into something better, or at least something different.

T.S. Elliot, quoted from: Jesper Juul – The Casual Revolution (p.85)


idea(s) / engineer(s) / imagination(s) / health / instinct(s)

play/game(s) is the key to innovation(s)

education(s) / com(s) / roll(s) / thought(s) / situationism(s) / direction(s)


understanding / innovation(s) / document(s) / quest(s)

one of the most difficult tasks men can perform, however much others may despise it, is the inventionof good games and it cannot be done by men out of touch with their instinctive selves.

from Penny de Byl (supposedly: Jung 1977) / cycle(s)


game(s) – machine(s) world(s) / experience(s) / dream(s) / chance(s) / space(s)

stories and games can each be thought of as machines that help create experiences.

... the idea that the mechanics of traditional storytelling, which are innate to the human capability tocommunicate, are nullified by interactivity is absurd!

from: Jesse Schell – The Art of Game Design – A Book of Lenses


game(s) – ludic marker(s) ... / design(s) / emergence(s) / exercise(s)

... if the game can be identified easily as play, then it should be easy enough for bystanders toaccept or refuse an invitation to play.

The adoption of ludic markers is the easiest way to sidestep some ethical questions.

... ludic markers need not be explcit but can focus on communicating playful or fictional aspectsof the game.

pervasive games / cycle(s)


Enjoyed by over 7.5 million PC users worldwide, Dropsum will stretch your mental agility and give yourbrain a good work out.

In DropSum you release numbered balls into a grid. The aim is to make a line of these balls add up to9, either horizontally or vertically. When your column or row totals nine, you score points and all the ballsinvolved change color. They start out grey and advance to blue, yellow and then red. Once a red ball hasbeen used to make a sum of nine it will explode and allow any balls above it to fill the gap. The fallingnumbers then have the potential to form scoring combinations with their new neighbours, which may burstother balls, and so the chain reaction progresses. Setting up large combos like this is the way to score seriouspoints. The game ends when the whole grid is filled.

Destroy special octagon tiles and you’ll release a special star. These stars are gathered up after a shortwhile. The more stars gathered, the higher the bonus you’ll receive.


DropSum becomes very addictive and will improve your basic maths skills the more you play it.It’s great for both kids and adults and will help speed up your mental maths agility.• Listen to the relaxing in game music or your own iTunes music

• Your progress is always saved if you quit at any point

• Ten trophies to achieve

• Classic and techno display themes with their own music styles


How do you use maths in programming, and more specifically just game programming?Math is an integral part of programming and you cannot write applicable code without understanding

basic maths. More-so in games programming which often requires tens of thousands of states to be stored,modified and acted upon during the real-time execution of the game. A good starting point to understand thegame maths is to study algebra, and specifically the idea that you can store values in variables representedas letters, and produce complex equations and produce different outcomes based on the data you input.You will find the very first computer programs you write will almost certainly follow these lines. Also, aswe move increasingly to a 3D centric approach to games, an understanding of basic trigonometry and threedimensional functions would be invaluable. Leave school with a good grasp of these, and you are half waytowards working on the next generation of games.

from game creators newsletter Nov 09


game(s) – perspective(s): structure / presentation / functionality design / world(s) / space(s)

1. rule-based space – mathematics, physics, AI

2. mediated – image(s), cinematic(s), animation(s)

3. fictional (imaginary) space – story & plot

4. play – game mechanics, interface(s), hardware

5. social space – context, rank(s), multiplayer

from: Michael Nitsche – Video Game Spaces – Image, Play and Structure in 3D Worlds


game(s) – quest(s) / mono myth(s) cycle(s) / world(s) / perspective(s) / mechanic(s) / quest(s)

1 ordinary world

2 call to adventure

3 refusal of the call

4 meeting the mentor

5 crossing the threshold

6 test, allies, enemies

7 approach to inmost cave

8 supreme ordeal

9 reward

10 road back

11 resurrection

12 return with the elixer

from: Michael Nitsche – Video Game Spaces – Image, Play and Structure in 3D Worlds


innovation(s) / quest(s) / rule(s) / world(s) / CTSG / experience(s) / / .

... ever get the feeling that life’s a game with changing rules and no clear sides, one you are compelledto play, but cannot win. Welcome to gamespace.

Gamespace is where and how we live today.

from: McKenzie Wark – Gamer Theory / display(s) / vision(s)


game(s) – world(s) dream(s) / plane(s) / quest(s) / CTSG / experience(s)

navigable 3D spaces allow us to crawl, jump, fly, or even teleport through fictional worlds that comethrough life in our imagination. We encounter these space through a combination of perception andinteraction.

... video game spaces stage our dreams and nightmares and they seem to get better at it every year.

Michael Nitsche – Video Game Spaces


digital ground(s) – beyond business automation(s) ... / idea(s) / change(s) / program(s) / / .

... if communication technologies affect imagination(s), let there be an awakening of mentalenvironmentalism(s) ...

observation(s) / game(s) / cycle(s)


digital ground(s) – brother(s) ... / idea(s) / change(s) / program(s) / / .

... instead of 1 big brither, this is more like 10.000 little brothers ...

observation(s) / game(s) / cycle(s)


digital ground(s) – change(s) ... / idea(s) / change(s) / program(s) / / .

... part of the change from the fast and far reaching to to the close and slow ...

observation(s) / game(s) / cycle(s)


digital ground(s) – content(s) ... / idea(s) / change(s) / program(s) / / .

embodiment in contextthenologic issues

context aware computingcultural frameworks

context-oriented design

digital ground(s) observation(s) / game(s) / cycle(s)


digital ground(s) – future(s) ... / idea(s) / change(s) / program(s) / / .

futurama 1939: ... the true poets of the 20th century are the designers, the architects, and the engineerswho glimpse some inner vision, create some beautiful fragment of the imagination, and then translate itinto sp;od actuality for the world to enjoy.

observation(s) / game(s) / cycle(s)


digital ground(s) – participation(s) ... / idea(s) / change(s) / program(s) / / .

... well-being requires a better state of human activity ...

the push-button industrial machinery of 1939 and the virtual reality of 1989 both left the human subject(s) justsitting. vision(s) / observation(s) / game(s) / cycle(s)


digital ground(s) – pattern(s) ... / idea(s) / change(s) / program(s) / / .

... interaction designers now turn to the patterns of the living world as something other than a cleanslate, and something to be understood, not overcome.

observation(s) / game(s) / cycle(s)


digital ground(s) – change(s) ... / idea(s) / change(s) / program(s) / / .

... appropriateness surpasses performance

project(s) / observation(s) / game(s) / cycle(s)


digital ground(s) – information pollution(s) ... / idea(s) / change(s) / program(s) / / .

muzaksafety labels

robotic petshome automation

relentless entertainment

the assumptions behind the cultural ambitions are made at the source and not at the destination. observation(s) /

game(s) / cycle(s)


digital ground(s) – program(s) ... / idea(s) / change(s) / program(s) / / .

who programs all this apparatus, and who among us can accept just how things have been programmed?

... do smart machines generally force humans into stupid activity?

/ observation(s) hack(s) / game(s) / cycle(s)


digital ground(s) – sense(s) ... / idea(s) / change(s) / program(s) / / .

... how do you feel about things that think and spaces that sense?

observation(s) / game(s) / cycle(s)


digital ground(s) – the shaping of space(s) ... / idea(s) / change(s) / program(s) / / .

... as modernity remade the world, at almost every instance it preferred motion to rest, the open insteadof the concealed, and control rather than complexity.

with the lessons of cyberspace and ,a [emailprotected]¿futurama in mind, we turn topervasive computing ...

observation(s) / game(s) / cycle(s)



digital ground(s) – space(s) ... / idea(s) / change(s) / program(s) / / .

... unlike cyberspace, which was conceived as a tabula rasa,] pervasive computing has to be inscribedinto the social and environmental complexity of the existing physical environment.

observation(s) / game(s) / cycle(s)


digital ground(s) – world(s) ... / idea(s) / change(s) / program(s) / / .

... even before reliability becomes an issue, the programmabilty of the physical world has been the primeobjection to pervasive computing ...

we have neither the time to prpgram so many systems ourselves, nor the willingness to accept how othersmight program them for us ...

observation(s) / game(s) / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – affordance(s) / meeting people ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

... truly good design is about meeting people.

It is about opening doors.

Designers sometimes call these affordances.

I like to think of them as welcoming handshakes

visual clues that make you feel more comfortable.

. / the art of innovation / metaphor(s) / ..


ideo design(s) – the art of innovation ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

• innovation begins with an eye

• prototyping is the shorthand for innovation

• creating experiences for fun and profit

• in search of the wet nap interface

. / the art of innovation / create / innovation(s) / cycle(s) / ..


ideo design(s) – attitude(s) ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

... the transformation of a business-as-usual culture into one focussed on innovation and driven by designinvolves activities (*), decisions and attitudes.

(*) workshops, pilot projects, leadership, interdisciplinary teams, dedicated space. change by design / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – jumping barrier(s) ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

• barrier(s) – hierarchy-based, bureaucracy, anonymous, clean, experts

• bridge(s) – merit-based, autonomy, familiar, messy, tinkerers

. / the art of innovation / brief(s) / cycle(s) / ..


ideo design(s) – satanic mills [heat, beat & treat] ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

... they subordinate humans to the inscrutable logic of the machine, they degrade and frustrate us, theycompromise the quality of life and the efficiency of work.

(service) companies must (innovate to) improve the quality of life!change by design / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) brief(s) / fail early to succeed sooner ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .




change by design / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – communication(s) / the decline of traditional advertising ... / design(s) / change(s) /

experience(s) / / .

... all of these clever marketing tools not only were well executed, they also got people talking, and thatbecame part of the story.

change by design / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – compete / design thinking is more than design ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) /

/ .

... in today’s fluid business environment, innovation is key to competetiveness.

change by design / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – cult(s) / design thinking ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

... others, less in awe of the cult of the designer, may confuse the mastery of the tools – includingthe qualitative tools of brainstorming, visual thinking & storytelling – with the ability to reach a designsolution.

... design thinking is neither an art nor a science. it is the capacity, ultimately, for integrative thinking.

change by design / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – culture / innovation(s) ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

a culture that believes it is better to ask forgiveness afterward rather than permission before, thatrewards people for success but gives them permission to fail, has removed one of the main obstactles tothe formation of new ideas.

change by design / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – design thinking is more than design ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

1. inspiration – problem or opportunity

2. ideation – generating, developing & testing ideas

3. implementation – from project room to market

. / change by design / affordance(s) / attitude(s) / cycle(s) / ..


ideo design(s) – experience(s) ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

• design is about delivering a satisfying experience

• design thinking is about creating a multipolar experience in which everybody has the opportunity to participatein the conversation ...

comfort / style / community. / change by design / cult(s) / attitude(s) / future(s) / cycle(s) / ..


ideo design(s) – future / where do we go from here? ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

... we are at a critical point where rapid change is forcing us to look not just to new ways of solvingproblems but to new problems to solve.

. / change by design / innovation(s) / cycle(s) / ..


ideo design(s) – how to create great product(s) & service(s) ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

1. make a great entrance – easy to find your way about

2. make metaphors – to inspire (y)our new products

3. think briefcase – between work & home

4. color inspires – from business black to candy-pink

5. backstage pass – let them know what’s behind ...

6. one click is better than two – as in autopilot

7. goof proof – with auto-save and undo

8. first, do not harm – or provide discomfort

9. etcetera – checklist / great extra(s)!

the art of innovation / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – hot group(s) / characters process / ... / artist(s) / engineer(s) / designer(s) / mind(s) / / .

1. the visionary – rise above the others!

2. the troubleshooter – no excessive politeness, ...

3. the iconoclast – as a counterpoint

4. the pulsetaker – as a heart

5. the craftsman – with talent(s) & technology

6. the technologist – to unlock byzantine problems

7. the entrepreneur – bright & innovative

8. the cross-dresser – self-educated/self-motivated

the art of innovation / team(s) / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – the politics of new idea(s) ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

... at the heart of every good story is a central narrative about the way an idea satisfies a need in somepowerful way ...,

as it unfolds the story will give every character represented in it a sense of purpose and will unfold in away that involves every participant in the action.

change by design / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – innovation(s) / storytelling ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

... it is essential that storytelling begins early in the lifecycle(s) of a project and be woven into everyaspect of the innovation effort.

. / change by design / future(s) / cycle(s) / .. /


ideo design(s) – prototype as inspiration ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

... designers may need a fully equipped model, but design thinkers can build prototypes in the cafetaria,a boardroom or a hotel suite.

change by design / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – journey / adherence ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

1. time-based design – each journey will be different

2. designing with time means thinking of people as living, growing, thinking organisms,

3. ... who can help write their own stories!

. / change by design / barrier(s) / cycle(s) / ..


ideo design(s) – ways to kill a brainstorm(er) ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

1. the boss gets to speak first

2. everybody gets a turn

3. experts only please!

4. do it off-site

5. no silly stuff

6. write down everything!

. / the art of innovation / weirdo(s) / attitude(s) / rule(s) / journey(s) / cycle(s) / ..


ideo design(s) – life / design with a small ’d’ ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

... using design as a tool to improve the quality of life at every level, as opposed to creating the signatureof objets that grace the pedestals of art museums and the covers of lifestyle magazins.

change by design / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – era of limit(s) ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

... we are entering an era of limits.

the cycle of mass production and mindless consumption that defines the industrial age is no longersustainable.

design thinking needs to be turned towards the formulation of a new participatory social contract! change by design

/ cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – process / design thinking is more than design ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / /

.existing users new users

new offerings extend/evolutionary create/revolutionary

existing offerings manage/incremental adapt/evolutionarychange by design / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – speading the message / storytelling ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

... we rely on stories to put our idea(s) into context and give them meaning. It should be no surprise,than, that the human capacity for storytelling plays an important role in the intrinsically human-centeredapproach to problem solving: design thinking.

change by design / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – internet as model ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

... the internet, in other words, characterized by dispersed, decentralized, naturally reinforcing networks,is not so much a means as the model of the new forms of organization taking shape.

change by design / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – observation(s) ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

watching what people don’t do

listening to what people don’t say

empathy = standing in the shoes of otherschange by design / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – organization(s) ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

... the fact remains that curiosity does not thrive in organizations that have grown cynical.

change by design / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – prototyping paradox ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

... they slow us down to speed us up!

change by design / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – pioneer(s) / designer(s) of the past ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

... not minimalist, esoteric members of design’s elite priesthood

but ... creative innovators who could bridge the chasm between thinking and doing because they werepassionately committed to the goal of a better life and a better world around them.

tomorrow – today: around the world design thinkers have become activists and are applying their skillsto sources of dysfunction.

change by design / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – planting tips / cross-pollination(s) ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

1. subscribe & surf – browse magazines & books

2. play director – take perspective of film/story

3. hold an open house – invite experts & everybody

4. inspire advocate(s) – exercise mental diversity

5. hire outsider(s) – to introduce new ideas

6. change hat(s) – ... importance of observation(s)

7. cross-train – drills & processes from other ...

the art of innovation / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – story / life-size pong (350 people) ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

... as the prototype unfolded, we learned that a story needs to be repeated many times before peopleunderstand howit applies to them and many more times again before they change their behavior.

change by design / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – portfolio(s) / diversity ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

a company’s best defense is to diversify its portfolio by investing across all quadrants of the innovationmatrix.

change by design / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – hitting the practice room ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

• watch customers

• play with your physical workspace

• think verbs not nouns

• break rules and fail forwards

• stay human

• build brigdes – across people & departments

have some serious fun! the art of innovation / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – process / design thinking is more than design ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / /


... the reason for the iterative, non-linear nature of the journey is not that design thinkers are disorganizedor undisciplined but that design thinking is fundamentally an exploratory process

. / change by design / cycle(s) / affordance(s) / ..¡/a?


ideo design(s) – prototyping / building to think ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

... this shift from physical to abstract, and back again, is one of the most fundamental processes by whichwe explore the universe, unlock our imagination(s) and open (y)our mind(s) to the new possibilities.

change by design / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – rigor(s) ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

... people who practice design thinking rely heavily upon imagination, insight and inspiration, but at(...) they are equally committed to the rigors of scientific prodecure(s).

change by design / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – rule(s) / brainstormer(s)killer(s) / ... / design(s) / practice(s) / revolution(s) / / .

1. sharpen the focus – well-honed problem statement

2. playful rules – don’t critique or debate ideas

3. number your ideas – obvious, right?

4. build & jump – facilitate steep power curves!

5. space remembers – record flow of ideas

6. stretch (y)our mental muscle(s) – time is short!

7. get physical – brainstorms are extremely visual

. / mind(s) / the art of innovation / cycle(s) / ..


ideo design(s) – story / toolkit ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

... storytelling needs to be in the toolkit of every design thinker – in the sense not of a tidy beginning,middle and end, but of an ongoing, open-ended narrative that engages people and encourages them tocarry it forward and write their own comclusions.

... design thinking can help us chart a path into the future .. change by design / design(s) / cult(s) / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – smart team(s) ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

in an interdisciplinary team there is collective ownership of ideas and everybody takes responsibility forthem.

change by design / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – time / design in the fourth dimension ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

... designing in time is a little different from designing in space.

verb(s) not noun(s)change by design / cycle(s)


ideo design(s) – from black art to systematic procedure ... / design(s) / change(s) / experience(s) / / .

... the trick is to do this without sucking the life out of the creative process – to balance management’slegitimate requirement for stability, efficiency and predictability with the design thinker’s need forspontaneity, serendipity, and experimentation.

change by design / cycle(s)


line(s) – aggression(s) ... / theme(s) / create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

what can we do against:



could have thought of moment(s)?

clip(s) / show(s) / game(s) / cycle(s)


allegory vs algorithm(s) – game(s) casual / form(s) / error(s) / gap(s) / / .

... the form of the digital game is an allegory for the form of being.

... to be a gamer is to come to understanding through quantifiable failure.

cited from: Gamer Theory


skin(s) / skill(s) / place(s) / / .

... for beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror, which we are still just able to endure,

and we are so awed because it serenely disdains to annihilate us.

Rainer Maria Rilke / cycle(s)


allegory vs algorithm(s) – casual revolution(s) algorithm(s) / space(s) / error(s) / rule(s) / / .

the casual revolution is a re-invention of both games and players.

... casual game design is a genuine innovation in game design and a return to lessons long forgotten ...

while the idea of the less-dedicated, less-obsessed casual player helps us to move beyond the prejudicethat video game players are nerdy and socially inept.

cited from: The Casual Revolution


presentation(s) / understanding / ... / list(s) / science(s) / / .

chartjunk is a clear sign of statistical stupidity.

Edward Tufte – PowerPoint is Evil


communication(s) – n-grams world(s) / science(s) / error(s) / / .


mathematical theory of communication

cited from: Expressive Processing


line(s) – confusion(s) / spark(s) ... / theme(s) / create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

confusion is the origin of creativity

¡/br¿ game(s) / cycle(s)


definition(s) – creativity challenge(s) / method(s) / dream(s) / dilemma(s) / quote(s) / vision(s) / / .

• The product of thinking has novelty or value, either for the thinker or his/her culture.

• The thinking is unconventional, in the sense that it requires modification or even rejection of previouslyaccepted ideas.

• The thinking requires high motivation and persistence, taking place over a considerable time span (continu-ously or intermittently) or at high intensity.

• The problem as initially posed was vague and ill-defined, so that part of the task was to reformulate theproblem itself.

Newell & Shaw (1962), from R.L. Glass Software Creativity 2.0


line(s) – creative technology (...) game(s) ... / theme(s) / create / common(s) / art(s) / / .


display(s) / game(s) / cycle(s)


artist(s) / vision(s) / future(s) / education(s) / science(s)

it is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education

Einstein / cycle(s)


... / form(s) / skin(s) / obstacle(s) / place(s) / failure(s) / culture(s) / / .

design = to initiate change in man-made things

. /

John Chris Jones – Design Methods / cycle(s)


... / skin(s) / role(s) / logic(s) / place(s) / science(s) / space(s) / vision(s) / / .

creativity = connecting dots

one would not look at, normally ...

. / Alain Kay / screen(s) / wire(s) / cycle(s) / ..


... / singularity / eliminate(s) / logic(s) / vision(s) / / .

creativity = connecting ...

one would not look at, normally ...

Alain Kay / idea(s) / screen(s) / wire(s) / cycle(s) / ..


understanding / engineer(s) / future(s) / ... / economic(s) / idea(s) / / .

reason can dream what dreams cannot reason

Nicalas Snowden Willey, 1965, quoted from J.C. Jones Design Methods


dream(s) / theme(s) / miracle(s) / force(s) / role(s) / engineer(s) / / .

it is the process of design, in which diverse parts of the give-world of the scientist and the made-worldof the engineer are reformed and assembled into something the like of which nature had not dreamed,that divorces engineering from science and marries it to art.

H. Petroski – To Engineer is Human


imagination(s) – error(s) science(s) / communication(s) / chance(s) / / .

... unlike the requirement that error must be removed from a computer program, however, the likelihoodof error must be tolerated even in the normal individual if the brain is to confront novelty in an adaptivefashion.

Gerald Edelman: second nature – brain science and human knowledge / cycle(s)


dream(s) / free / creative / human(s) / / .

it is as if each creature has the power to dream itself out of one existence into a new one, one step higheron the ladder of things

David Malouf An Imaginary Life


experience(s) – economy of dream(s)?... / vision(s) / economic(s) / challenge(s) / product(s) / mechanic(s) / / .

evidence of the dream society can be found in business models that incorporate stories into products,services, strategies and advertising.

theme(s) / dream society and experience economy / screen(s)


... / logical / understanding / vision(s) / experience(s) / network(s) / / .

we’re in a big social experiment,

where it ends up, I don’t know.

friend(s) / Dan Siewiorek, Carnegie Mellon University / question(s) / cycle(s) / ..


presentation(s) / understanding / design(s) / reboot(s) / / .

failure is an unacceptable difference between expected and observed performance

quoted from: Henry Petroski – Success through Failure


... / media / science / art(s) / miracle(s) / artist(s) / experiment(s)

fire then wire

. / second nature / ground(s) / network(s) / cycle(s) / ..


line(s) – focus! ... / theme(s) / create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

defragment (y)our mind(s)

quote(s) / game(s) / cycle(s)


dream(s) / engineer(s) / relationship(s) / product(s) / / .

structural engineering is the science and art of designing and making, with economy and elegance,buildings, bridges, frameworks and other similar structures so that they can safely resist the force(s)to which they may be subjected.

H. Petroski – To Engineer is Human


dream / creative / human / existence / innovation(s) / / .

... but we are free after all, we are bound not by the laws of our nature but by the ways we canimagine ourselves breaking out of those laws without doing violence to our essential being. we are freeto transcend ourselves, if we have the imagination for it.

David Malouf, An Imaginary Life / cycle(s)


... / vision(s) / science / art(s) / education(s) / machine(s) / / .

science takes the fun out of humor

. / ??? / wave(s) / cycle(s) / ..


dream(s) / ... / miracle(s) / innovation(s) / / .

the imagination jumps from present facts to future possibilities

J.P. Page, 1966, quoted from J.C. Jones Design Methods


allegory vs algorithm(s) – world(s) error(s) / quest(s) / form(s) / algorithm(s) / / .

the gamespace opens a critical gap between what gamespace promises and what it delivers

... the game is true in that its algorithm is consistent, but this very consistency negates a world that isnot!

what is true is not real, what is real is not true, this is what the double movement of allegorithm andallegory have to report.

cited from: Gamer Theory


line(s) – hack(s) / vision(s)... / theme(s) / create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

... hacking is the art of creative problem solving, whether that means finding an unconventional solutionto a difficult problem or exploiting holes in sloppy programming.

hacking – the art of exploitation / cycle(s)


innovation(s) / theory of mind(s) / secondlife(s) / force(s) / / .

... relationships are things that happen only in a virtual world, and we are able to move backwards andforwards between the physical world of interactions (real events) and the virtual world in which theseevents are constituted into relationships in order to be able to understand what the significance of specificactions is or might be, or how two relatioships impinge upon eachother.

Robin Dunbar – The Human Story (p. 66)


line(s) – ignorance(s) = bliss ... / theme(s) / create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

knowledge is (often not) a solution, but a problem ...

rule(s) / kill(s) / game(s) / media:12-4 / cycle(s)


line(s) – inspiration(s) / infoart(s) ... / theme(s) / create / common(s) / art(s) / / .




idea(s) / media:iv / cycle(s)


understanding / skin(s) /place(s) / form(s) / / .

human computer interaction is a symmetric relation

mouse site(s) / infosphere(s)


line(s) – invitation(s) / spark(s) ... / theme(s) / create / common(s) / art(s) / / .


an invitationand not an obligation ...

game(s) / cycle(s)


the car starts to smoke and stops ... presentation(s) / understanding / failure(s) / / .

• physicist – This is obviously a classic problem of torque. It has overloaded the elasticity limit of the main axis.

• engineer – Let’s be serious! The matter is that it has burned the spark of the connecting rod to the dynamoof the radiator. I can easily repair it by hammering.

• computer scientist – What if we get off the car, wait a minute, and then get in and try again?

quoted from Henry Petrosky – Success through Failure / joke(s)


knowledge / understanding / place(s) / miracle(s) / chart(s) / / .

... writing shares a strange feature with painting.

... the offspring of painting stand there as if they were alive, but if anyone asks them anything, they aresolemnly silent.

the same is true of written words ... Phaedrus, 275d

Kieron O’Hara: Plato and the Internet


future(s) / dot(s) / miracle(s) / place(s) / science(s) / / .

to all appearances, the artist acts like a mediumistic being who, from the labyrinth beyond time andspace, seeks his way out to a clearing.

Marcel Duchamp, Houston 1958


line(s) – learning ... / theme(s) / create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

learning is really remembering

Plato, cited from free play, p. 34


more is less / / .

more is less is more less is more less is more less is more less is more less is more less is more less is moreless is more less is more less is more less is more less is more less is more less is more less is more less ismore less is more less is more less is more less is more less is more less is more less is more less is moreless is more less is more less is more is less


relation(s) / experiment(s) / understanding / ... / science / / .

... I don’t see the deep thinking. I see superficial connecting of dots rather than logical thinking,

Dan Siewiorek, Carnegie Mellon University


manipulation(s) – creativity challenge(s) / method(s) / dilemma(s) / quote(s) / / .

• multiply – generalize(s) part of the system?

• divide – sets of similar interest(s)?

• eliminate – avoid special tailoring!

quoted from R.L. Glass Software Creativity 2.0


experience(s) / ... / science / / .

... a mathematician is like a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat that isn’t there.

misattributed to Charles Darwin – cited from vision(s)


line(s) – mile(s) ... / theme(s) / create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

a journey of 1K miles begins with the first step(s)

media/iv / game(s) / cycle(s)


expression(s) / relationship(s) / experience(s) / / .

theory of mind – level(s) of intentionality

• evolution – walking, tools, brain size

• (frontal) brain size – socializing/grooming, from 20 to 80

• 1-7 levels of intentionality – 2nd = theory of mind

• what do we speak about, when we speak about ...

Peter believes [1] that Jane thinks [2] that Sally wants [3] Peter to suppose [4] that Jane intends [5] Sallyto believe [6] that ... her ball is under the cushion.

Robin Dunbar – The Human Story (p. 46)


less is more / / .

less is more

. / .. / ... / ....


line(s) – play ... / theme(s) / create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

paint as you like and die happy

Henri Miller


line(s) – power(s) ... / theme(s) / create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

death by powerpoint

... / rule(s) / inspire(s) / cycle(s)


politic(s) / engineer(s) / / .

problem(s) can be solved, dilemma(s) only optimized



line(s) – product(s) ... / theme(s) / create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

(the) process is (part of the) product

blog(s) / game(s) / cycle(s)


line(s) – program(s) / ground(s) ... / theme(s) / create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

program or be programmed

resource(s) / blog(s) / code(s) / 10 commands for a digital age / cycle(s)


chance(s) / force(s) / role(s) / space(s) / screen(s) / / .

the quality without a name in us, our liveliness our thirst for life, depends directly on the patterns inthe world, and the extent they have this quality for us from: Christopher Alexander – The Timeless Way of


quoted from: Michael Nitsche – Video Game Space


line(s) – reboot(s) / mind(s) & machine(s) ... / theme(s) / create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

reboot (y)our society

machine(s) / fail(s) / frog(s) / joke(s) game(s) / cycle(s)


role(s) – engineer(s) / designer(s) / artist(s) workshop(s) / dream(s) / theme(s) / miracle(s) / force(s) / panel(s)/ / .

• artist(s) – [intervention]: perceptive / intuitive & immediate

• designer(s) – [sketch]: imaginative / envisioning & reflective

• engineer(s) – [prototype]: constructive / technical & rational

• scientist(s) – [paper]: explanation / scepticism & doubt

• mathematician(s) – [theorem]: precision / manipulation & elegance

loosely based on John Chris Jones – Design Methods p. 11


line(s) – routine / workshop(s) ... / theme(s) / create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

story = (routine) breaking point(s) ...

game(s) / cycle(s)


understanding / skin(s) / logic(s) / place(s) / / .

”write once, run anywhere” is really something of an aspirational slogan rather than a reality



imagination(s) – science(s) knowledge / error(s) / science / art(s) / representation(s) / / .

... science is imagination in the service of verifiable truth

its ultimate power, of course, is in understanding, and as we see around us, its reach in technology isstunning.

... but the brain origins of imagination in science do not differ from those necessary for poetry, music orthe building of ethical systems.

Gerald M. Emerson: second nature – brain science and human knowledge


line(s) – share design(s) ... / theme(s) / create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

share (y)our design(s)!

game(s) / cycle(s)


line(s) – silence ... / theme(s) / create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

ideas and insights need to cool over a period of time

free play


line(s) – gogbot(s) ... / theme(s) / create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

the singularity is near

search / color(s) / game(s) / cycle(s)


artist(s) / developer(s) / beauty / skin(s) / / .

it is skill surmounting difficulty, and beauty triumphing over skill

(art) ..., to snatch this grace beyond the reach of art is then the height of art – where fine art begins,and where mechanical skill ends.

William Hazlitt – THE PLEASURE OF HATING / theme(s) / cycle(s)


allegory vs algorithm(s) – space(s) ¡/red. experience(s) / error(s) / gap(s) / space(s) / screen(s) / / .

the game is a knowable algorithm from which you know you can escape.

... gamespace is an unknowable algorithm from which there is no escape.

the game is just like the gamespace of everyday life, except that the game can be saved.

cited from: Gamer Theory


line(s) – story / workshop(s) ... / theme(s) / create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

a story can be regarded as a meaningful pattern of information

science(s) / routine(s) / game(s) / cycle(s)



knowledge / skin(s) / place(s) / chart(s) / quest(s) / engineer(s) / / .

to understand is to be capable of doing

Goethe (from Design as Art, Bruno Munari)


... / skill(s) / color(s) / display(s) / screen(s) / / .

... for the blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat that isn’t there.

exhibition(s): de appel / quest(s) / vision(s) / hole(s) / cycle(s)


smart experience lab(s) ... / science / art(s) / value(s) / / .

functionality, flexibility, fascination



play(s) – call & response ... / common(s) / create / art(s) / affordance(s) / / .

call-and-response is one of the oldest froms of music, ritual, theatre and dance

free play, improvisation in life and art, p. 105


play(s) – creation ... / common(s) / create / art(s) / affordance(s) / / .

... these interreflecting themes, the prerequisites of creation, are playfulness, love, concentration, practice,skill, unsing the power of limits, using the power of mistakes, risk, surrender, patience, courage and trust.

free play, improvisation in life and art, p. 155


play(s) – current(s)... / common(s) / create / art(s) / affordance(s) / / .

we shall not cease from explorationand the end of all our exploringwill be to arrive where we startedand know the place for the first time

T.S. Eliot: free play, p. 192 / slogan(s) / wire(s) / game(s) / vision(s)


play(s) – flash ... / common(s) / create / art(s) / affordance(s) / / .

... the professionalism of technique and the flash of dexterity are more comfortable to be around thanraw creative power.

free play, improvisation in life and art


play(s) – gift(s) ... / common(s) / create / art(s) / affordance(s) / / .

there are hardly any exceptions to the rule that a person must pay dearly for the divine gift of creativefire.

Carl Jung, cited from free play, p. 191


play(s) – improvisation(s) ... / common(s) / create / art(s) / affordance(s) / / .

the heart of improvisation is the free play of consciousness as it draws, writes, paints the raw materialfrom unconsciousness.

Such play entails a certain degree of risk.

free play, improvisation in life and art, p.9


play(s) – line ... / common(s) / create / art(s) / affordance(s) / / .

how we are finally liberated – to speak, or sing, write or paint, with our own authentic voice.

free play, improvisation in life and art


play(s) – quality ... / common(s) / create / art(s) / affordance(s) / / .

.. duration has traditionally been one of the greatest measures of quality

free play, improvisation in life and art


play(s) – silence ... / common(s) / create / art(s) / affordance(s) / / .

the use of silence in teaching becomes very powerful

free play, improvisation in life and art, p. 155


designer vs developer – culture(s) / question(s)practice(s) / change(s) / vision(s) / / .

... no, at the personal level, you should accept no less than the title of artist and aspire to earn the rightto carry the title. And earning this right is influenced not so much by your accomplishments as by yourapproach: a relentless pursuit of perfection, where the journey is the destination. www.bit-101.com

/ from: ActionScript 3.0 Animation – Making Things Move


creative engineering – culture(s) / inspiration(s)...

/ create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

• from Stonehenge to the Apollo program

• 5000 years of engineering and related science(s)

• critical motivating force(s) – curiosity, necessity, enlightened self-interest

• historical figures – Leonardo di Vinci, Galileo Galilei

understanding the process by which engineers combine scientific knowledge, practical know-how, and human values to create the technologies of tomorrow ...

• what is engineering – what is it that engineers do?

• understanding the nature and impact of technology on society

from: Masterworks of Technology – the Story of Creative Engineering, Architecture and Design, E.E. Jewis


quote(s) – business portsmouth ...

/ create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

• creativity

• leadership

• self knowledge

• entrepeneurship

• global awareness


color(s) – painting the virtual limbo space(s) / support(s) / chance(s) / / .

he knows that there are in the soul tints more bewildering, more numberless, and more nameless thanthe colours of an autumn forest.

G.K.Chesterton Infinite Symbols

taken from: Victor Onstein bekent kleur


digital convergence(s) ...

/ create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

• content – audio, video, data

• platform – PC, TV, internet, game machine

• distribution – how it gets to your platform


co-creative – google(s) / dream(s) relation(s) / challenge(s) / create / / .

• use – doing / adapting / making / creating

• [ideas] – requirements / process / product

• explore – objects as elements in design grammar

• tool(s) – social networks / virtual worlds / participartory media

convivial design(s) / cycle(s)


definition(s) – creativity challenge(s) / method(s) / dream(s) / dilemma(s) / word(s) / vision(s) / / .

• product(s) – novelty or value / [culture]

• process – unconventional thinking / idea(s)

• person(s) – high motivation & persistence / [intensity]

• problem(s) – vague & ill-defined / [reformulation(s)]

Newell & Shaw (1962), from R.L. Glass Software Creativity 2.0


culturalization – in the context of information technology¡red. research / question(s) / artist(s) / / .

... culturalization within the broader context of information technology (IT) can also be read as a moment ofanticipation, a tactical sidetrack in response to the long-term decline of the engineering class in the West. Thehegemonic role of computer scientists as inventors can easily been understood, but wasn’t going tolast forever. Different fields of knowledge, from human computer interaction to usability and new media studies,have ll in their own ways proclaimed the coming of the cultural turn. MyCreativity: A critique of Creative Industries


defragment – (y)our mind(s) interaction(s) / infosphere(s) / conclusion(s) / science(s) / / .

1. chose your dominant setup

2. identify necessary information

3. establish priorities

4. ignore the unimportant

5. run a dry test

tip(s) / blog(s) / deliverable(s) / cycle(s)


layer(s) – experience economy

level function attribute product measure(s) process

agriculture extract natural commodities quantity trader/market

industrial make standardized goods price manufacturer/customer

post-industrial deliver customized service(s) quality provider/client

now stage personal experience(s) authenticity stager/guest

post-experience guide individual transformation(s) change elicitor/aspirant


B.J. Pine II, J.H. Gillmore The Experience Economy


education – in a classless society challenge to our educational system / co-create / resource(s) / / .

• freedom of the mind – no tyranny

• equality of opportunity – social mobility through education

• universal schooling – differentiation of instruction

• see also – teaching greatness / niveau

1940 by James Bryant Conant / blog(s) / cycle(s)


engineer(s) – create technology? ...

/ create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

skin(s) / human(s) / room(s) / problem(s) / screen(s)

the 20th century is the century of engineers ...

Der Man ohne Eigenschaften Robert Musil / ...


creative technology – ethic(s)

ethically informedmorally inclined

divina comedia



game(s) – theory / challenge(s) ...

/ create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

• game space(s) – possibility space(s)

• model(s) – metaphor(s) / narrative(s)

• interaction loop(s) – success/failure

• relation(s) – real/virtual

• world(s) – specific/abstract

• player(s) – hardcore / casual

• grouping(s) – competition(s) / specialization(s)

• behavior(s) – state machine



infospere(s) – enhancing or augmenting? form(s) / interaction(s) / design(s) / / .

... now, to be clear, information and communication technologies are not augmenting or empoweringin the sense just explained. They instead create environments that the user is then enabled to enterthrough (possibly friendly) gateways. It is a form of initiation.

ground(s) / future of the infospere(s)


knowledge management – data, information, knowledge book(s) / skin(s) / understanding / place(s) /miracle(s) / chart(s) / / .

• acquisition – from person(s)/(sensor) data source(s)

• modelling – representation(s) & storage

• retrieval – find connection(s) & context(s)

• re-use – employing relation(s) between chunks

• publishing – multiple formats/modalities/platforms

• maintenance – consistent update(s), in-time

Kieron O’Hara: Plato and the Internet


quote(s) – landgenoten ...

/ create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

... terwijl het gebruik van ’social media’ professioneel toeneemt, velen het een verrijking in hun leven(prive en werk) vinden, zien we een Koningin met een waarschuwende vinger wijzen naar Internet,Twitter, Hyves, Facebook ...

blog(s) / cycle(s)


socio-digital landscape – value(s) ...

/ create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

how we ought to interact with technology in the new world ...

... moral investigation of why technology has a role ...

other discipline(s) from the arts & humanities will become more relevant ...

ground(s) / from: human(s)


game(s) – active learning / rethoric(s) ...

/ create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

• experiencing the world in new ways

• forming new affiliations

• preparation for future learning


• infosphere(s) & inforg(s) – future(s) / gateway(s) / aesthetic(s)

• second life – confession(s) / human(s) / machinama(s) / tv

• real world(s) – health / money / travel(s)

• let’s not be – philosophic / sarcastic

• topic(s) & theme(s) – art / science / life

• design(s) – change(s) / attitude(s) / interaction(s)

• developer(s)/artist(s) – de(v/s)elop(s) / relation(s) / world(s)

disclaimer(s): some of the material may seem distasteful or even shocking, and as such do not represent thepanel(s) opinion. Æ


aspiration(s) – media literacy / spark(s) representation(s) / twitter(s) / value(s) / question(s) / space(s) / / .

To produce a media literate citizenry, media literacy education will have to be included across thecurriculum and at all grade levels, including higher education, with each educator doing an appropriatepiece, and each piece being valued for its contribution to the ultimate goal.

cultural analytic(s) / amlainfo.org / present(s)


method(s) – creativity technique(s) creativity / manipulation(s) / / .

• analogy/metaphor – similarity & figures of speech

• brainstorming – large quantity of ideas in short time

• blue slip(s) – small notecards to express ideas in random order

• extrapolation(s) – apply proven techniques to new problem

• progressive abstraction technique – alternative problem definition(s)

• 5W+H technique – Who-What-Where-When-Why+How

• force field analysis – identify forces contributing or hindering solution(s)

• peaceful setting – relax and open mental process(es)

• problem reversal(s) – to provide a different framework for analysis

• association(s)/images technique – builds on natural inclination to associate things

• wishful thinking – to counteract (too) analytical approach(es).


the go game / / .

technology fuelledcreative game(s)

and activitiesfor team builingmarketing and sales

personality trainingor just fun

www.avantgame.com/writings.htm / cycle(s)


pareidolia(s) – co-creative world(s) vision(s) / workshop(s) / / .

pareidolia (n)

the erroneous or fanciful perception of a clear pattern or meaning in something that is actually randomor ambiguous.


politic(s) – for a co-creative world

... we shook hands, my inability to remember that particular moment more precisely is disappointing:the handshake is the treshold act, the beginning of politics. anonymous: primary colors – a novel of politics

/ space(s)


educational principles ...

/ create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

1. learner-centered environment

2. active appropriate practice

3. experiential learning

4. interpersonal communication and feedback

5. multi-disciplinary collaboration

6. student responsibility and self-motivated learning

7. consistent instructional elements


processing – bridging art(s) & technology... / learning / software / literacy / education / network / context ¡loadcfg=quotex¿

• software is a unique medium with unique qualities

• every programming language is a distinct material

• sketching is necessary for the development of ideas

• programming is not just for engineers

. /

create / software literacy: read & write (tool(s)) / ..


representation(s) – fallacies of new media art(s) human(s) / moral(s) / color(s) / question(s) / / .

It has been one of the grave misconceptions of new media art to assume that new technologies wouldbreak with the paradigm(s) of representation(s), perception(s) and cognition(s) to the extentthat the effect(s) of that break could exclusively be articulated by means of these technologies.

Andreas Broeckmann – Deep Screen - Art in Digital Culture


data shadow(s) – are we there yet? ...

/ create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

data shadow = digital profile generated from data garnered from a user’s online habits

interaction(s) / future of the infospere(s)


game play, model-based simulation, exploration


/ create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

• game cycle – turns in subsequent rounds

• simulation(s) – world (climate) model

• exploration – by means of interactive video

game elements / XIMPEL


developer(s) – smart / media

1. one of the big three (.NET, Java, PHP)

2. rich internet applications (RIAs)

3. web development

4. web services

5. soft skills

6. one dynamic and/or functional programming language

7. agile methodologies

8. domain knowledge

9. development hygiene

10. mobile development



aesthetic(s) – new media

the skin is the deepest part of man.

Paul Valery / cycle(s) / color(s)


infospere(s) – are we there yet? ...

/ create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

• absence of friction – data superconductivity (data = process)

• ecosystem(s) – absorbing all other space(s)

• evolution of inforg(s) – dependent, more online than sleep?

interaction(s) / future of the infospere(s)


mission(s) / ARG / this is not a game / cloud(s) / / .

• computer/console/video games.

• role-playing games

• live action role-playing games

• massively multiplayer online role-playing games

• viral marketing/internet hoaxes

who wants to be a puppetmaster?


media(s) / education(s) / color(s) / relationship(s) / pattern(s) / / .

being human is not simply a label.

... it is about a set of aspirations. Recognizing those aspirations and striving to realise them can makethe world we live in one to celebrate rather than fear.

human(s) / experiment(s) / cycle(s)


social media – is twitter evil? fast-moving television or virtual game(s) / representation(s) / moral(s) / / .

... in a media culture in which violence and suffering become an endless show, be it in fiction or ininfotainment, indifference to the vision of human suffering gradually sets in, ...

USC media scholar Manuel Castells (Brain and Creativity Institute)


space(s) / dream(s) / vision(s) / / .

we will watch

experiment(s) / screen(s) / experience(s)


the new wave of Web 2.0 – google(s) / mashup(s) / science(s)

yahoo – developer.yahoo.comdel.icio.us – del.icio.us/help/api

technorati – www.technorati.com/developersflickr – www.flickr.com/services

google – code.google.comebay – developer.ebay.com


inforg(s) – are we there yet? ...

/ create / common(s) / art(s) / / .

1. battery life – are we running out of power?

2. google object(s) – where are my glasses?

3. digital migration(s) – children of the post-computer revolution?

4. time connected – more online than sleep?

5. virtual assets – what is for sale?

interaction(s) / infosphere(s) / future of the infospere(s)


repeat(s) ... / / .

¡div ID=”bat flyimage1” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”bat flyimage2” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”bat flyimage3” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”cupid flyimage1” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”cupid flyimage2” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”cupid flyimage3” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div id=”divPoint1” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 135.487px; left: 148.487px; width:

3.02671px; height: 3.02671px; background-color: rgb(208, 116, 58); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint2”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 133.513px; left: 148.513px; width: 2.97304px; height: 2.97304px;background-color: rgb(211, 122, 61); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint3” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 136.51px; left: 148.51px; width: 2.98023px; height: 2.98023px; background-color:rgb(217, 134, 67); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint4” style=”visibility: hidden; position:absolute; top: 139.499px; left: 147.499px; width: 3.00281px; height: 3.00281px; background-color: rgb(223, 146,73); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint5” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 140.503px; left:147.503px; width: 2.99396px; height: 2.99396px; background-color: rgb(229, 158, 79); font-size: 1px; z-index:1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint6” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 142.501px; left: 148.501px;width: 2.9981px; height: 2.9981px; background-color: rgb(235, 170, 85); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint7”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 145.5px; left: 148.5px; width: 3.00098px; height: 3.00098px;background-color: rgb(241, 182, 91); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint8” style=”visibility: hid-den; position: absolute; top: 147.5px; left: 147.5px; width: 3.00017px; height: 3.00017px; background-color: rgb(247,194, 97); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint9” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 83.4596px;left: 113.46px; width: 3.08084px; height: 3.08084px; background-color: rgb(52, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index:1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint10” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 77.809px; left: 144.809px;width: 2.38207px; height: 2.38207px; background-color: rgb(58, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint11” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 93.2823px; left: 122.282px; width: 3.43541px;height: 3.43541px; background-color: rgb(64, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint12”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 99.2282px; left: 142.228px; width: 3.54366px; height: 3.54366px;background-color: rgb(70, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint13” style=”visibility: hidden; position:absolute; top: 100.247px; left: 153.247px; width: 3.5055px; height: 3.5055px; background-color: rgb(76, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint14” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 102.269px; left: 139.269px;width: 3.46249px; height: 3.46249px; background-color: rgb(82, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint15” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 103.293px; left: 137.293px; width: 3.41306px;height: 3.41306px; background-color: rgb(88, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint16” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 96.4784px; left: 126.478px; width: 3.04321px; height: 3.04321px; background-color: rgb(94, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint17” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute;top: 95.5559px; left: 130.556px; width: 2.88817px; height: 2.88817px; background-color: rgb(100, 0, 0); font-size:1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint18” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 94.6558px;left: 140.656px; width: 2.6885px; height: 2.6885px; background-color: rgb(106, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint19” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 107.385px; left: 135.385px; width: 3.22931px;height: 3.22931px; background-color: rgb(112, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint20” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 100.583px; left: 136.583px; width: 2.83392px; height: 2.83392px; background-color:rgb(118, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint21” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top:113.37px; left: 143.37px; width: 3.26041px; height: 3.26041px; background-color: rgb(124, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint22” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 102.622px; left:146.622px; width: 2.75583px; height: 2.75583px; background-color: rgb(130, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint23” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 110.5px; left: 136.5px; width: 3px; height:3px; background-color: rgb(136, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint24” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 107.598px; left: 146.598px; width: 2.80324px; height: 2.80324px; background-color: rgb(142, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint25” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute;top: 109.587px; left: 146.587px; width: 2.8254px; height: 2.8254px; background-color: rgb(148, 0, 0); font-size:1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint26” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 111.578px; left: 146.578px;width: 2.84401px; height: 2.84401px; background-color: rgb(154, 8, 4); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint27”

style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 118.493px; left: 141.493px; width: 3.01458px; height: 3.01458px;background-color: rgb(160, 20, 10); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint28” style=”visibility: hidden; position:absolute; top: 120.486px; left: 141.486px; width: 3.0274px; height: 3.0274px; background-color: rgb(166, 32,16); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint29” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top:120.531px; left: 143.531px; width: 2.93811px; height: 2.93811px; background-color: rgb(172, 44, 22); font-size:1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint30” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 123.51px; left: 143.51px; width:2.97975px; height: 2.97975px; background-color: rgb(178, 56, 28); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿

1 I repeat: CTSG?


repeat(s) ... / / .

¡div ID=”bat flyimage1” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”bat flyimage2” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”bat flyimage3” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”cupid flyimage1” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”cupid flyimage2” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”cupid flyimage3” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div id=”divPoint1” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 135.487px; left: 148.487px; width:

3.02671px; height: 3.02671px; background-color: rgb(208, 116, 58); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint2”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 133.513px; left: 148.513px; width: 2.97304px; height: 2.97304px;background-color: rgb(211, 122, 61); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint3” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 136.51px; left: 148.51px; width: 2.98023px; height: 2.98023px; background-color:rgb(217, 134, 67); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint4” style=”visibility: hidden; position:absolute; top: 139.499px; left: 147.499px; width: 3.00281px; height: 3.00281px; background-color: rgb(223, 146,73); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint5” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 140.503px; left:147.503px; width: 2.99396px; height: 2.99396px; background-color: rgb(229, 158, 79); font-size: 1px; z-index:1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint6” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 142.501px; left: 148.501px;width: 2.9981px; height: 2.9981px; background-color: rgb(235, 170, 85); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint7”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 145.5px; left: 148.5px; width: 3.00098px; height: 3.00098px;background-color: rgb(241, 182, 91); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint8” style=”visibility: hid-den; position: absolute; top: 147.5px; left: 147.5px; width: 3.00017px; height: 3.00017px; background-color: rgb(247,194, 97); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint9” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 83.4596px;left: 113.46px; width: 3.08084px; height: 3.08084px; background-color: rgb(52, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index:1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint10” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 77.809px; left: 144.809px;width: 2.38207px; height: 2.38207px; background-color: rgb(58, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint11” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 93.2823px; left: 122.282px; width: 3.43541px;height: 3.43541px; background-color: rgb(64, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint12”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 99.2282px; left: 142.228px; width: 3.54366px; height: 3.54366px;background-color: rgb(70, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint13” style=”visibility: hidden; position:absolute; top: 100.247px; left: 153.247px; width: 3.5055px; height: 3.5055px; background-color: rgb(76, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint14” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 102.269px; left: 139.269px;width: 3.46249px; height: 3.46249px; background-color: rgb(82, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint15” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 103.293px; left: 137.293px; width: 3.41306px;height: 3.41306px; background-color: rgb(88, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint16” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 96.4784px; left: 126.478px; width: 3.04321px; height: 3.04321px; background-color: rgb(94, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint17” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute;top: 95.5559px; left: 130.556px; width: 2.88817px; height: 2.88817px; background-color: rgb(100, 0, 0); font-size:1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint18” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 94.6558px;left: 140.656px; width: 2.6885px; height: 2.6885px; background-color: rgb(106, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint19” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 107.385px; left: 135.385px; width: 3.22931px;height: 3.22931px; background-color: rgb(112, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint20” style=”visibility:

hidden; position: absolute; top: 100.583px; left: 136.583px; width: 2.83392px; height: 2.83392px; background-color:rgb(118, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint21” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top:113.37px; left: 143.37px; width: 3.26041px; height: 3.26041px; background-color: rgb(124, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint22” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 102.622px; left:146.622px; width: 2.75583px; height: 2.75583px; background-color: rgb(130, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint23” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 110.5px; left: 136.5px; width: 3px; height:3px; background-color: rgb(136, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint24” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 107.598px; left: 146.598px; width: 2.80324px; height: 2.80324px; background-color: rgb(142, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint25” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute;top: 109.587px; left: 146.587px; width: 2.8254px; height: 2.8254px; background-color: rgb(148, 0, 0); font-size:1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint26” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 111.578px; left: 146.578px;width: 2.84401px; height: 2.84401px; background-color: rgb(154, 8, 4); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint27”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 118.493px; left: 141.493px; width: 3.01458px; height: 3.01458px;background-color: rgb(160, 20, 10); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint28” style=”visibility: hidden; position:absolute; top: 120.486px; left: 141.486px; width: 3.0274px; height: 3.0274px; background-color: rgb(166, 32,16); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint29” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top:120.531px; left: 143.531px; width: 2.93811px; height: 2.93811px; background-color: rgb(172, 44, 22); font-size:1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint30” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 123.51px; left: 143.51px; width:2.97975px; height: 2.97975px; background-color: rgb(178, 56, 28); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿

2 I repeat: tada!


repeat(s) ... / / .

¡div ID=”bat flyimage1” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”bat flyimage2” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”bat flyimage3” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”cupid flyimage1” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”cupid flyimage2” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”cupid flyimage3” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div id=”divPoint1” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 135.487px; left: 148.487px; width:

3.02671px; height: 3.02671px; background-color: rgb(208, 116, 58); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint2”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 133.513px; left: 148.513px; width: 2.97304px; height: 2.97304px;background-color: rgb(211, 122, 61); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint3” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 136.51px; left: 148.51px; width: 2.98023px; height: 2.98023px; background-color:rgb(217, 134, 67); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint4” style=”visibility: hidden; position:absolute; top: 139.499px; left: 147.499px; width: 3.00281px; height: 3.00281px; background-color: rgb(223, 146,73); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint5” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 140.503px; left:147.503px; width: 2.99396px; height: 2.99396px; background-color: rgb(229, 158, 79); font-size: 1px; z-index:1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint6” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 142.501px; left: 148.501px;width: 2.9981px; height: 2.9981px; background-color: rgb(235, 170, 85); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint7”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 145.5px; left: 148.5px; width: 3.00098px; height: 3.00098px;background-color: rgb(241, 182, 91); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint8” style=”visibility: hid-den; position: absolute; top: 147.5px; left: 147.5px; width: 3.00017px; height: 3.00017px; background-color: rgb(247,194, 97); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint9” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 83.4596px;left: 113.46px; width: 3.08084px; height: 3.08084px; background-color: rgb(52, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index:1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint10” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 77.809px; left: 144.809px;width: 2.38207px; height: 2.38207px; background-color: rgb(58, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint11” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 93.2823px; left: 122.282px; width: 3.43541px;height: 3.43541px; background-color: rgb(64, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint12”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 99.2282px; left: 142.228px; width: 3.54366px; height: 3.54366px;background-color: rgb(70, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint13” style=”visibility: hidden; position:

absolute; top: 100.247px; left: 153.247px; width: 3.5055px; height: 3.5055px; background-color: rgb(76, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint14” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 102.269px; left: 139.269px;width: 3.46249px; height: 3.46249px; background-color: rgb(82, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint15” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 103.293px; left: 137.293px; width: 3.41306px;height: 3.41306px; background-color: rgb(88, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint16” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 96.4784px; left: 126.478px; width: 3.04321px; height: 3.04321px; background-color: rgb(94, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint17” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute;top: 95.5559px; left: 130.556px; width: 2.88817px; height: 2.88817px; background-color: rgb(100, 0, 0); font-size:1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint18” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 94.6558px;left: 140.656px; width: 2.6885px; height: 2.6885px; background-color: rgb(106, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint19” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 107.385px; left: 135.385px; width: 3.22931px;height: 3.22931px; background-color: rgb(112, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint20” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 100.583px; left: 136.583px; width: 2.83392px; height: 2.83392px; background-color:rgb(118, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint21” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top:113.37px; left: 143.37px; width: 3.26041px; height: 3.26041px; background-color: rgb(124, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint22” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 102.622px; left:146.622px; width: 2.75583px; height: 2.75583px; background-color: rgb(130, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint23” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 110.5px; left: 136.5px; width: 3px; height:3px; background-color: rgb(136, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint24” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 107.598px; left: 146.598px; width: 2.80324px; height: 2.80324px; background-color: rgb(142, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint25” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute;top: 109.587px; left: 146.587px; width: 2.8254px; height: 2.8254px; background-color: rgb(148, 0, 0); font-size:1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint26” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 111.578px; left: 146.578px;width: 2.84401px; height: 2.84401px; background-color: rgb(154, 8, 4); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint27”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 118.493px; left: 141.493px; width: 3.01458px; height: 3.01458px;background-color: rgb(160, 20, 10); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint28” style=”visibility: hidden; position:absolute; top: 120.486px; left: 141.486px; width: 3.0274px; height: 3.0274px; background-color: rgb(166, 32,16); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint29” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top:120.531px; left: 143.531px; width: 2.93811px; height: 2.93811px; background-color: rgb(172, 44, 22); font-size:1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint30” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 123.51px; left: 143.51px; width:2.97975px; height: 2.97975px; background-color: rgb(178, 56, 28); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿

3 I repeat: it is all in the game!


repeat(s) ... / / .

¡div ID=”bat flyimage1” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”bat flyimage2” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”bat flyimage3” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”cupid flyimage1” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”cupid flyimage2” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”cupid flyimage3” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div id=”divPoint1” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 135.487px; left: 148.487px; width:

3.02671px; height: 3.02671px; background-color: rgb(208, 116, 58); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint2”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 133.513px; left: 148.513px; width: 2.97304px; height: 2.97304px;background-color: rgb(211, 122, 61); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint3” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 136.51px; left: 148.51px; width: 2.98023px; height: 2.98023px; background-color:rgb(217, 134, 67); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint4” style=”visibility: hidden; position:absolute; top: 139.499px; left: 147.499px; width: 3.00281px; height: 3.00281px; background-color: rgb(223, 146,73); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint5” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 140.503px; left:147.503px; width: 2.99396px; height: 2.99396px; background-color: rgb(229, 158, 79); font-size: 1px; z-index:1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint6” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 142.501px; left: 148.501px;

width: 2.9981px; height: 2.9981px; background-color: rgb(235, 170, 85); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint7”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 145.5px; left: 148.5px; width: 3.00098px; height: 3.00098px;background-color: rgb(241, 182, 91); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint8” style=”visibility: hid-den; position: absolute; top: 147.5px; left: 147.5px; width: 3.00017px; height: 3.00017px; background-color: rgb(247,194, 97); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint9” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 83.4596px;left: 113.46px; width: 3.08084px; height: 3.08084px; background-color: rgb(52, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index:1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint10” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 77.809px; left: 144.809px;width: 2.38207px; height: 2.38207px; background-color: rgb(58, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint11” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 93.2823px; left: 122.282px; width: 3.43541px;height: 3.43541px; background-color: rgb(64, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint12”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 99.2282px; left: 142.228px; width: 3.54366px; height: 3.54366px;background-color: rgb(70, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint13” style=”visibility: hidden; position:absolute; top: 100.247px; left: 153.247px; width: 3.5055px; height: 3.5055px; background-color: rgb(76, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint14” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 102.269px; left: 139.269px;width: 3.46249px; height: 3.46249px; background-color: rgb(82, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint15” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 103.293px; left: 137.293px; width: 3.41306px;height: 3.41306px; background-color: rgb(88, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint16” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 96.4784px; left: 126.478px; width: 3.04321px; height: 3.04321px; background-color: rgb(94, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint17” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute;top: 95.5559px; left: 130.556px; width: 2.88817px; height: 2.88817px; background-color: rgb(100, 0, 0); font-size:1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint18” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 94.6558px;left: 140.656px; width: 2.6885px; height: 2.6885px; background-color: rgb(106, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint19” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 107.385px; left: 135.385px; width: 3.22931px;height: 3.22931px; background-color: rgb(112, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint20” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 100.583px; left: 136.583px; width: 2.83392px; height: 2.83392px; background-color:rgb(118, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint21” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top:113.37px; left: 143.37px; width: 3.26041px; height: 3.26041px; background-color: rgb(124, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint22” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 102.622px; left:146.622px; width: 2.75583px; height: 2.75583px; background-color: rgb(130, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint23” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 110.5px; left: 136.5px; width: 3px; height:3px; background-color: rgb(136, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint24” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 107.598px; left: 146.598px; width: 2.80324px; height: 2.80324px; background-color: rgb(142, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint25” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute;top: 109.587px; left: 146.587px; width: 2.8254px; height: 2.8254px; background-color: rgb(148, 0, 0); font-size:1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint26” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 111.578px; left: 146.578px;width: 2.84401px; height: 2.84401px; background-color: rgb(154, 8, 4); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint27”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 118.493px; left: 141.493px; width: 3.01458px; height: 3.01458px;background-color: rgb(160, 20, 10); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint28” style=”visibility: hidden; position:absolute; top: 120.486px; left: 141.486px; width: 3.0274px; height: 3.0274px; background-color: rgb(166, 32,16); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint29” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top:120.531px; left: 143.531px; width: 2.93811px; height: 2.93811px; background-color: rgb(172, 44, 22); font-size:1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint30” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 123.51px; left: 143.51px; width:2.97975px; height: 2.97975px; background-color: rgb(178, 56, 28); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿

4 I repeat: group(s)?


repeat(s) ... / / .

¡div ID=”bat flyimage1” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”bat flyimage2” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”bat flyimage3” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div id=”divPoint1” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 135.487px; left: 148.487px; width:

3.02671px; height: 3.02671px; background-color: rgb(208, 116, 58); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint2”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 133.513px; left: 148.513px; width: 2.97304px; height: 2.97304px;background-color: rgb(211, 122, 61); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint3” style=”visibility:

hidden; position: absolute; top: 136.51px; left: 148.51px; width: 2.98023px; height: 2.98023px; background-color:rgb(217, 134, 67); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint4” style=”visibility: hidden; position:absolute; top: 139.499px; left: 147.499px; width: 3.00281px; height: 3.00281px; background-color: rgb(223, 146,73); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint5” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 140.503px; left:147.503px; width: 2.99396px; height: 2.99396px; background-color: rgb(229, 158, 79); font-size: 1px; z-index:1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint6” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 142.501px; left: 148.501px;width: 2.9981px; height: 2.9981px; background-color: rgb(235, 170, 85); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint7”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 145.5px; left: 148.5px; width: 3.00098px; height: 3.00098px;background-color: rgb(241, 182, 91); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint8” style=”visibility: hid-den; position: absolute; top: 147.5px; left: 147.5px; width: 3.00017px; height: 3.00017px; background-color: rgb(247,194, 97); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint9” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 83.4596px;left: 113.46px; width: 3.08084px; height: 3.08084px; background-color: rgb(52, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index:1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint10” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 77.809px; left: 144.809px;width: 2.38207px; height: 2.38207px; background-color: rgb(58, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint11” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 93.2823px; left: 122.282px; width: 3.43541px;height: 3.43541px; background-color: rgb(64, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint12”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 99.2282px; left: 142.228px; width: 3.54366px; height: 3.54366px;background-color: rgb(70, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint13” style=”visibility: hidden; position:absolute; top: 100.247px; left: 153.247px; width: 3.5055px; height: 3.5055px; background-color: rgb(76, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint14” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 102.269px; left: 139.269px;width: 3.46249px; height: 3.46249px; background-color: rgb(82, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint15” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 103.293px; left: 137.293px; width: 3.41306px;height: 3.41306px; background-color: rgb(88, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint16” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 96.4784px; left: 126.478px; width: 3.04321px; height: 3.04321px; background-color: rgb(94, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint17” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute;top: 95.5559px; left: 130.556px; width: 2.88817px; height: 2.88817px; background-color: rgb(100, 0, 0); font-size:1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint18” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 94.6558px;left: 140.656px; width: 2.6885px; height: 2.6885px; background-color: rgb(106, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint19” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 107.385px; left: 135.385px; width: 3.22931px;height: 3.22931px; background-color: rgb(112, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint20” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 100.583px; left: 136.583px; width: 2.83392px; height: 2.83392px; background-color:rgb(118, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint21” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top:113.37px; left: 143.37px; width: 3.26041px; height: 3.26041px; background-color: rgb(124, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint22” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 102.622px; left:146.622px; width: 2.75583px; height: 2.75583px; background-color: rgb(130, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint23” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 110.5px; left: 136.5px; width: 3px; height:3px; background-color: rgb(136, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint24” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 107.598px; left: 146.598px; width: 2.80324px; height: 2.80324px; background-color: rgb(142, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint25” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute;top: 109.587px; left: 146.587px; width: 2.8254px; height: 2.8254px; background-color: rgb(148, 0, 0); font-size:1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint26” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 111.578px; left: 146.578px;width: 2.84401px; height: 2.84401px; background-color: rgb(154, 8, 4); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint27”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 118.493px; left: 141.493px; width: 3.01458px; height: 3.01458px;background-color: rgb(160, 20, 10); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint28” style=”visibility: hidden; position:absolute; top: 120.486px; left: 141.486px; width: 3.0274px; height: 3.0274px; background-color: rgb(166, 32,16); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint29” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top:120.531px; left: 143.531px; width: 2.93811px; height: 2.93811px; background-color: rgb(172, 44, 22); font-size:1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint30” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 123.51px; left: 143.51px; width:2.97975px; height: 2.97975px; background-color: rgb(178, 56, 28); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿

5 I repeat: klep dicht/close lid(s)!


repeat(s) ... / / .

¡div ID=”bat flyimage1” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”bat flyimage2” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿

¡div ID=”bat flyimage3” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”cupid flyimage1” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”cupid flyimage2” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”cupid flyimage3” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div id=”divPoint1” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 135.487px; left: 148.487px; width:

3.02671px; height: 3.02671px; background-color: rgb(208, 116, 58); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint2”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 133.513px; left: 148.513px; width: 2.97304px; height: 2.97304px;background-color: rgb(211, 122, 61); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint3” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 136.51px; left: 148.51px; width: 2.98023px; height: 2.98023px; background-color:rgb(217, 134, 67); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint4” style=”visibility: hidden; position:absolute; top: 139.499px; left: 147.499px; width: 3.00281px; height: 3.00281px; background-color: rgb(223, 146,73); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint5” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 140.503px; left:147.503px; width: 2.99396px; height: 2.99396px; background-color: rgb(229, 158, 79); font-size: 1px; z-index:1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint6” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 142.501px; left: 148.501px;width: 2.9981px; height: 2.9981px; background-color: rgb(235, 170, 85); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint7”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 145.5px; left: 148.5px; width: 3.00098px; height: 3.00098px;background-color: rgb(241, 182, 91); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint8” style=”visibility: hid-den; position: absolute; top: 147.5px; left: 147.5px; width: 3.00017px; height: 3.00017px; background-color: rgb(247,194, 97); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint9” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 83.4596px;left: 113.46px; width: 3.08084px; height: 3.08084px; background-color: rgb(52, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index:1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint10” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 77.809px; left: 144.809px;width: 2.38207px; height: 2.38207px; background-color: rgb(58, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint11” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 93.2823px; left: 122.282px; width: 3.43541px;height: 3.43541px; background-color: rgb(64, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint12”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 99.2282px; left: 142.228px; width: 3.54366px; height: 3.54366px;background-color: rgb(70, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint13” style=”visibility: hidden; position:absolute; top: 100.247px; left: 153.247px; width: 3.5055px; height: 3.5055px; background-color: rgb(76, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint14” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 102.269px; left: 139.269px;width: 3.46249px; height: 3.46249px; background-color: rgb(82, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint15” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 103.293px; left: 137.293px; width: 3.41306px;height: 3.41306px; background-color: rgb(88, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint16” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 96.4784px; left: 126.478px; width: 3.04321px; height: 3.04321px; background-color: rgb(94, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint17” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute;top: 95.5559px; left: 130.556px; width: 2.88817px; height: 2.88817px; background-color: rgb(100, 0, 0); font-size:1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint18” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 94.6558px;left: 140.656px; width: 2.6885px; height: 2.6885px; background-color: rgb(106, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint19” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 107.385px; left: 135.385px; width: 3.22931px;height: 3.22931px; background-color: rgb(112, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint20” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 100.583px; left: 136.583px; width: 2.83392px; height: 2.83392px; background-color:rgb(118, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint21” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top:113.37px; left: 143.37px; width: 3.26041px; height: 3.26041px; background-color: rgb(124, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint22” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 102.622px; left:146.622px; width: 2.75583px; height: 2.75583px; background-color: rgb(130, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint23” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 110.5px; left: 136.5px; width: 3px; height:3px; background-color: rgb(136, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint24” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 107.598px; left: 146.598px; width: 2.80324px; height: 2.80324px; background-color: rgb(142, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint25” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute;top: 109.587px; left: 146.587px; width: 2.8254px; height: 2.8254px; background-color: rgb(148, 0, 0); font-size:1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint26” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 111.578px; left: 146.578px;width: 2.84401px; height: 2.84401px; background-color: rgb(154, 8, 4); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint27”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 118.493px; left: 141.493px; width: 3.01458px; height: 3.01458px;background-color: rgb(160, 20, 10); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint28” style=”visibility: hidden; position:absolute; top: 120.486px; left: 141.486px; width: 3.0274px; height: 3.0274px; background-color: rgb(166, 32,16); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint29” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top:120.531px; left: 143.531px; width: 2.93811px; height: 2.93811px; background-color: rgb(172, 44, 22); font-size:1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint30” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 123.51px; left: 143.51px; width:

2.97975px; height: 2.97975px; background-color: rgb(178, 56, 28); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿

6 I repeat: less is more!


repeat(s) ... / / .

¡div ID=”bat flyimage1” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”bat flyimage2” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”bat flyimage3” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”cupid flyimage1” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”cupid flyimage2” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”cupid flyimage3” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div id=”divPoint1” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 135.487px; left: 148.487px; width:

3.02671px; height: 3.02671px; background-color: rgb(208, 116, 58); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint2”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 133.513px; left: 148.513px; width: 2.97304px; height: 2.97304px;background-color: rgb(211, 122, 61); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint3” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 136.51px; left: 148.51px; width: 2.98023px; height: 2.98023px; background-color:rgb(217, 134, 67); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint4” style=”visibility: hidden; position:absolute; top: 139.499px; left: 147.499px; width: 3.00281px; height: 3.00281px; background-color: rgb(223, 146,73); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint5” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 140.503px; left:147.503px; width: 2.99396px; height: 2.99396px; background-color: rgb(229, 158, 79); font-size: 1px; z-index:1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint6” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 142.501px; left: 148.501px;width: 2.9981px; height: 2.9981px; background-color: rgb(235, 170, 85); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint7”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 145.5px; left: 148.5px; width: 3.00098px; height: 3.00098px;background-color: rgb(241, 182, 91); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint8” style=”visibility: hid-den; position: absolute; top: 147.5px; left: 147.5px; width: 3.00017px; height: 3.00017px; background-color: rgb(247,194, 97); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint9” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 83.4596px;left: 113.46px; width: 3.08084px; height: 3.08084px; background-color: rgb(52, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index:1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint10” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 77.809px; left: 144.809px;width: 2.38207px; height: 2.38207px; background-color: rgb(58, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint11” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 93.2823px; left: 122.282px; width: 3.43541px;height: 3.43541px; background-color: rgb(64, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint12”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 99.2282px; left: 142.228px; width: 3.54366px; height: 3.54366px;background-color: rgb(70, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint13” style=”visibility: hidden; position:absolute; top: 100.247px; left: 153.247px; width: 3.5055px; height: 3.5055px; background-color: rgb(76, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint14” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 102.269px; left: 139.269px;width: 3.46249px; height: 3.46249px; background-color: rgb(82, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint15” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 103.293px; left: 137.293px; width: 3.41306px;height: 3.41306px; background-color: rgb(88, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint16” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 96.4784px; left: 126.478px; width: 3.04321px; height: 3.04321px; background-color: rgb(94, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint17” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute;top: 95.5559px; left: 130.556px; width: 2.88817px; height: 2.88817px; background-color: rgb(100, 0, 0); font-size:1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint18” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 94.6558px;left: 140.656px; width: 2.6885px; height: 2.6885px; background-color: rgb(106, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint19” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 107.385px; left: 135.385px; width: 3.22931px;height: 3.22931px; background-color: rgb(112, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint20” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 100.583px; left: 136.583px; width: 2.83392px; height: 2.83392px; background-color:rgb(118, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint21” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top:113.37px; left: 143.37px; width: 3.26041px; height: 3.26041px; background-color: rgb(124, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint22” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 102.622px; left:146.622px; width: 2.75583px; height: 2.75583px; background-color: rgb(130, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint23” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 110.5px; left: 136.5px; width: 3px; height:

3px; background-color: rgb(136, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint24” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 107.598px; left: 146.598px; width: 2.80324px; height: 2.80324px; background-color: rgb(142, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint25” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute;top: 109.587px; left: 146.587px; width: 2.8254px; height: 2.8254px; background-color: rgb(148, 0, 0); font-size:1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint26” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 111.578px; left: 146.578px;width: 2.84401px; height: 2.84401px; background-color: rgb(154, 8, 4); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint27”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 118.493px; left: 141.493px; width: 3.01458px; height: 3.01458px;background-color: rgb(160, 20, 10); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint28” style=”visibility: hidden; position:absolute; top: 120.486px; left: 141.486px; width: 3.0274px; height: 3.0274px; background-color: rgb(166, 32,16); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint29” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top:120.531px; left: 143.531px; width: 2.93811px; height: 2.93811px; background-color: rgb(172, 44, 22); font-size:1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint30” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 123.51px; left: 143.51px; width:2.97975px; height: 2.97975px; background-color: rgb(178, 56, 28); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿

7 I repeat: make some noise!


repeat(s) ... / / .

¡div ID=”bat flyimage1” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”bat flyimage2” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”bat flyimage3” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”cupid flyimage1” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”cupid flyimage2” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”cupid flyimage3” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div id=”divPoint1” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 135.487px; left: 148.487px; width:

3.02671px; height: 3.02671px; background-color: rgb(208, 116, 58); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint2”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 133.513px; left: 148.513px; width: 2.97304px; height: 2.97304px;background-color: rgb(211, 122, 61); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint3” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 136.51px; left: 148.51px; width: 2.98023px; height: 2.98023px; background-color:rgb(217, 134, 67); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint4” style=”visibility: hidden; position:absolute; top: 139.499px; left: 147.499px; width: 3.00281px; height: 3.00281px; background-color: rgb(223, 146,73); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint5” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 140.503px; left:147.503px; width: 2.99396px; height: 2.99396px; background-color: rgb(229, 158, 79); font-size: 1px; z-index:1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint6” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 142.501px; left: 148.501px;width: 2.9981px; height: 2.9981px; background-color: rgb(235, 170, 85); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint7”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 145.5px; left: 148.5px; width: 3.00098px; height: 3.00098px;background-color: rgb(241, 182, 91); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint8” style=”visibility: hid-den; position: absolute; top: 147.5px; left: 147.5px; width: 3.00017px; height: 3.00017px; background-color: rgb(247,194, 97); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint9” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 83.4596px;left: 113.46px; width: 3.08084px; height: 3.08084px; background-color: rgb(52, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index:1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint10” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 77.809px; left: 144.809px;width: 2.38207px; height: 2.38207px; background-color: rgb(58, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint11” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 93.2823px; left: 122.282px; width: 3.43541px;height: 3.43541px; background-color: rgb(64, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint12”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 99.2282px; left: 142.228px; width: 3.54366px; height: 3.54366px;background-color: rgb(70, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint13” style=”visibility: hidden; position:absolute; top: 100.247px; left: 153.247px; width: 3.5055px; height: 3.5055px; background-color: rgb(76, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint14” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 102.269px; left: 139.269px;width: 3.46249px; height: 3.46249px; background-color: rgb(82, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint15” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 103.293px; left: 137.293px; width: 3.41306px;height: 3.41306px; background-color: rgb(88, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint16” style=”visibility:

hidden; position: absolute; top: 96.4784px; left: 126.478px; width: 3.04321px; height: 3.04321px; background-color: rgb(94, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint17” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute;top: 95.5559px; left: 130.556px; width: 2.88817px; height: 2.88817px; background-color: rgb(100, 0, 0); font-size:1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint18” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 94.6558px;left: 140.656px; width: 2.6885px; height: 2.6885px; background-color: rgb(106, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint19” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 107.385px; left: 135.385px; width: 3.22931px;height: 3.22931px; background-color: rgb(112, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint20” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 100.583px; left: 136.583px; width: 2.83392px; height: 2.83392px; background-color:rgb(118, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint21” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top:113.37px; left: 143.37px; width: 3.26041px; height: 3.26041px; background-color: rgb(124, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint22” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 102.622px; left:146.622px; width: 2.75583px; height: 2.75583px; background-color: rgb(130, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint23” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 110.5px; left: 136.5px; width: 3px; height:3px; background-color: rgb(136, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint24” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 107.598px; left: 146.598px; width: 2.80324px; height: 2.80324px; background-color: rgb(142, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint25” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute;top: 109.587px; left: 146.587px; width: 2.8254px; height: 2.8254px; background-color: rgb(148, 0, 0); font-size:1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint26” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 111.578px; left: 146.578px;width: 2.84401px; height: 2.84401px; background-color: rgb(154, 8, 4); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint27”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 118.493px; left: 141.493px; width: 3.01458px; height: 3.01458px;background-color: rgb(160, 20, 10); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint28” style=”visibility: hidden; position:absolute; top: 120.486px; left: 141.486px; width: 3.0274px; height: 3.0274px; background-color: rgb(166, 32,16); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint29” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top:120.531px; left: 143.531px; width: 2.93811px; height: 2.93811px; background-color: rgb(172, 44, 22); font-size:1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint30” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 123.51px; left: 143.51px; width:2.97975px; height: 2.97975px; background-color: rgb(178, 56, 28); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿

8 I repeat: portfolio(s)!


repeat(s) ... / / .

¡div ID=”bat flyimage1” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”bat flyimage2” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”bat flyimage3” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿

9 I repeat: register!


repeat(s) ... / / .

¡div ID=”bat flyimage1” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”bat flyimage2” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”bat flyimage3” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”cupid flyimage1” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”cupid flyimage2” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div ID=”cupid flyimage3” style=”position:absolute; left: -500px; width:47; height:68;”¿¡/div¿¡div id=”divPoint1” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 135.487px; left: 148.487px; width:

3.02671px; height: 3.02671px; background-color: rgb(208, 116, 58); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint2”

style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 133.513px; left: 148.513px; width: 2.97304px; height: 2.97304px;background-color: rgb(211, 122, 61); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint3” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 136.51px; left: 148.51px; width: 2.98023px; height: 2.98023px; background-color:rgb(217, 134, 67); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint4” style=”visibility: hidden; position:absolute; top: 139.499px; left: 147.499px; width: 3.00281px; height: 3.00281px; background-color: rgb(223, 146,73); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint5” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 140.503px; left:147.503px; width: 2.99396px; height: 2.99396px; background-color: rgb(229, 158, 79); font-size: 1px; z-index:1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint6” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 142.501px; left: 148.501px;width: 2.9981px; height: 2.9981px; background-color: rgb(235, 170, 85); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint7”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 145.5px; left: 148.5px; width: 3.00098px; height: 3.00098px;background-color: rgb(241, 182, 91); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint8” style=”visibility: hid-den; position: absolute; top: 147.5px; left: 147.5px; width: 3.00017px; height: 3.00017px; background-color: rgb(247,194, 97); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint9” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 83.4596px;left: 113.46px; width: 3.08084px; height: 3.08084px; background-color: rgb(52, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index:1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint10” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 77.809px; left: 144.809px;width: 2.38207px; height: 2.38207px; background-color: rgb(58, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint11” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 93.2823px; left: 122.282px; width: 3.43541px;height: 3.43541px; background-color: rgb(64, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint12”style=”visibility: hidden; 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width: 2.75583px; height: 2.75583px; background-color: rgb(130, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡divid=”divPoint23” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 110.5px; left: 136.5px; width: 3px; height:3px; background-color: rgb(136, 0, 0); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint24” style=”visibility:hidden; position: absolute; top: 107.598px; left: 146.598px; width: 2.80324px; height: 2.80324px; background-color: rgb(142, 0, 0); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint25” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute;top: 109.587px; left: 146.587px; width: 2.8254px; height: 2.8254px; background-color: rgb(148, 0, 0); font-size:1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint26” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 111.578px; left: 146.578px;width: 2.84401px; height: 2.84401px; background-color: rgb(154, 8, 4); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint27”style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 118.493px; left: 141.493px; width: 3.01458px; height: 3.01458px;background-color: rgb(160, 20, 10); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint28” style=”visibility: hidden; position:absolute; top: 120.486px; left: 141.486px; width: 3.0274px; height: 3.0274px; background-color: rgb(166, 32,16); font-size: 1px; z-index: 1100;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint29” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top:120.531px; left: 143.531px; width: 2.93811px; height: 2.93811px; background-color: rgb(172, 44, 22); font-size:1px;”¿¡/div¿ ¡div id=”divPoint30” style=”visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 123.51px; left: 143.51px; width:2.97975px; height: 2.97975px; background-color: rgb(178, 56, 28); font-size: 1px;”¿¡/div¿

10 I repeat: wake up!



slogan(s) – creative technology / PR ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• een speelse manier van omgaan met technologie,

• in het exploreren van nieuwe diensten en producten

• een creatieve aanpak in de studie, waarbij ook analytisch inzicht en managementsaspecten aan de orde komen,

• en er ruimte is voor vindingrijkheid in het onderkennen van problemen en het bedenken van oplossingen

• in zowel de persoonlijke als publieke leefsfeer,

• toepasbaar in de echte en digitale wereld, in al hun verwevenheid

• voor living tomorrow en working tomorrow – (resource(s))

• creativiteit is je kapitaal!


slogan(s) – creative application(s): format(s) / target(s) rethoric(s) / place(s) / / .

We Create IdentityLiving and Working Tomorrow

Have Fun and Play!Ambient Screen(s)

Hybrid World(s)

what are (y)our dreams?


slogan(s) – media art(s) / computer augmented artefact(s) ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

shift of paradigm(s)

• emotional response – enrich experience

• intellectual challenge – avoid boredom



slogan(s) – concept(s) / creative technology ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• target(s) – digital, computational & conceptual skills

• topic(s) – invisible computing & digital culture

• course(s) – smart technology & new (digital) media


slogan(s) – contact(s) / potential partner(s) ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• www.syntens.nl – Marco Strijks (...) en Harry Bosch (...) – via Annewies Kuipers (...)

• Rom Langerak (UT/EWI/CS) (... – www.planetart.nl/vriendschap.htm

• Kees de Groot (...) – www.creatievefabriek.nl

• ... – interactive museum (Arnhem)


slogan(s) – control(s) / layered mentorship ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• supervision(s) – from multiple perspectives

• (peer) reviews – with mild competitive edge

• (public) exhibition(s) – for external exposure

• (scientific) competition(s) – by demo(s) & paper(s)


slogan(s) – course(s) / principle(s) ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• canonical example(s) – game / calculator

• (online) reference material(s) – www.w3schools.com/js / example(s)

• challenging target(s) – heart(s) / labs.google.com (edu / code)


slogan(s) – creative technology / indeed, language is confusing ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• is the technology creative?

• do I use technology in a creative way?

• does the technology allow me to be creative?

. / change / human(s) / pattern(s) / experiment(s) / cycle(s) / ..


slogan(s) – creative technology /perspective(s) ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• computational structure(s) – sensor(s) & display(s)

• (material) object(s) – senso-motorical function(s)

• concept design(s) – artifact(s) & algorithm(s)


slogan(s) – dilemma(s) / how to teach attitude(s) & creativity ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

1. implicit – confusion is the origin of (all) creativity – there is no theory / creativity killers

2. explicit – (amateur) course(s) on creativity, philosophy, psychology – computational art

3. by example(s) – invite artist(s) & pioneer(s) – teaching creativity / dead media

4. design case(s) – facets of fun – on the design of computer augmented entertainment artefacts

5. target(s) – generation Y / rip it / creative thinking / loser(s) / leader(s) / vision(s) / definition(s)


slogan(s) – discipline(s) / multi/cross-disciplinary team(s) ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• new media – design & development

• smart technolgy – engineering & deployment

• creative application(s) – innovation


slogan(s) – element(s) / educational mechanism(s) ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• (art) inspiration(s) – item(s) of beauty

• (periodic) de-construction(s) – discover (un)truth(s)

• (technical) exploration(s) – trial(s) without error(s)

• (creative) workshop(s) – to boost the imagination(s)

• (special) event(s) – to educate and surprise


slogan(s) – expression(s) ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

... why do people do and believe weird things? Because in the end, feeling alive is more important thantruth.

We have evolved in living creatures to express ourselves, to be creative, to tell stories.

We are instruments for feeling, faith, energy, emotion, significance, belief, but not really truth.

truth(s) / Louis Theroux – The call of the weird – travels in american subcultures


slogan(s) – application(s) / my first creative technology application(s) ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• sensor – to detect footsteps on the stairs

• media – a little light announcing approaching person(s)

to enable reading ...


slogan(s) – focus / to improve/embellish public space with innovative (media/smart) technology ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• science/art-inspired visual effects

• out-of-screen deployment

• environment-sensitive application(s)


slogan(s) – fun application(s) / de wereld gaat aan vlijt ten onder / time ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• societal impact/relevance – inspiration(s)

• convergence of technologies – educational(s)

UTwente/EWI doctrine(s)


slogan(s) – item(s)/hazard(s) / with subtext(s) ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• requirements – kill creativity

• user studies – lead to conservatism

• clear goals – limit exploration

inspiration(s) / dilemma(s) / game design(s)


slogan(s) – creative technology / starting from 1st year...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• identity – as a group

• portfolio – as individual

• imagination – mixing science & art

• authenticity – as in no bullsh*t

• craftmanship – in discovering the rethorics of the material

. / experiment(s) / cycle(s) / ..


slogan(s) – slogan(s) / creative technology create / ... / change(s) / design(s) / / .

• do you want to make a difference?

• ... in every scientist there is an artist

• everything is intertwinkled – make it twinkle!

. /

lyric(s) / network(s) / game(s) / cycle(s) / ..


slogan(s) – creative technology / creativity on an academic level ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

You are expected to be, and will be trained to become:




As creative engineer(s) our graduates will distinguish themselves by their level of technical expertise.


slogan(s) – challenge(s) / interactive entertainment ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• immersion – being in

• rapture – loss of aesthetic distance

• agency – being in control

facets of fun


slogan(s) – known(s) / ignorance 2.0 creativity / ... / vision(s) / science / quality / / .

... in science only one thing is more wonderful than how much we know, and that is how much we donot know.

I. Svitak – Man and his world / quest(s) / cycle(s)


slogan(s) – learn / to acquire/deepen skills & insight ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• craft – drill & repetition

• concept(s) – application(s) & reflection

• target(s) – challenge(s) & context


metaphor(s) – towards a new curriculum cloud(s)...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• a networked world – you make it work [engineering, management] – not network maintenance!

• everything is connected – you make the connections [mediator, management]

• everything is intertwinkled (Ted Nelson) – you make it twinkle [the creative track]


slogan(s) – shift of paradigm(s) / innovation by re-creation(s) ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• taking (media) artists as a role model for creative engineers, following the recommendation of IIP/CREATE

• combining disciplinary courses with creative applications, to ensure a solid technical level

• looking for inspiration in the art(s), as the ultimate source of human value(s)


slogan(s) – platform(s) / dynamic (virtual) culture(s) ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• software – architecture vs ecology

• technology – hybrid, interconnected, customizable function(s)/skin(s)

• application(s) – in a participatory (playful) culture

• (serious) game(s) & entertainment – programmed content / script(s)

• exploratory development – to discover the potential(s) of technology


slogan(s) – 12 point(s) / creative technology ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .


• 1. knows the relevant electronic and computing technologies to be used, concerning both principles andfunctionality;

• 2. is skillful in implementing algorithms and combining principles from physics and mathematics at the levelrequired by the application


• 3. can analyze complex requirement contexts by making abstract descriptions following mathematical princi-ples.

• 4. can implement key prototypes to try out ideas based on the latest tools and technologies;

• 5. recognizes and understands technological trends at such a level that a critical evaluation of scenarios forfuture applications and developments can be made;

human factors

• 6. is able to identify societal problems and human needs that can be solved with state of the art technology inthe digital realm;

• 7. can solve problems in a creative way, taking into account all complexities, requirements and interdependenciesof the application areas and stakeholders;


• 8. possesses skills to design attractive solutions, where both aesthetics and function are combined;

• 9. understands user acceptance and success criteria in a multi-cultural and globalized world;

• 10. has communicative skills and psychological knowledge, indispensable for dealing robustly and successfullywith stakeholders and people benefitting from the new systems and services;


• 11. can place the new applications in a business context, developing business plans, executing market researchand translating innovations into profitable opportunities;

• 12. can assume a bridging role in a variety of multi-disciplinary teams, thereby translating and communicatingrequirements and knowledge from different fields of specialization.


slogan(s) – creative problem(s) / compute / media / smart / math / design ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

problem solving

problem finding

problem creation

educational goal(s)


slogan(s) – profile(s) / in very scientist is a (hidden) artist ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• more in-depth (research-related) technology development

• (proper) intellectual and academic context for innovation


slogan(s) – theme(s) / creative technology ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• in every scientist is a (hidden) artist

• craftmanship – the rethorics of the material

• exploratory development – potential(s) of technology

• everything is intertwinkled – you see/make it twinkle

• social processes – to innovate technology

• application(s) – in a participatory (playful) culture

• imagination – mixing science & art

. /

imagine / create / game(s) / cycle(s) / ..


slogan(s) – question(s) / awareness 2.0 research / question(s) / change(s) / space(s) / / .

Theoretician, artist, do you intend to embellish the existing conditions with the ornament ofyour abstractions and to give theory or art an appearance of depth at variance with the truth, or doyou intend to make (y)our thinking an instrument for the reshaping of these conditions?

I. Svitak – Man and his world / cycle(s)


slogan(s) – room(s) engineer(s) / politic(s) / culture(s) / / .

As I leant against the wall the University indeed seemed a sanctuary in which are preserved rare typeswhich would soon be obsolete if left to fight for existence on the pavement of the Strand. Virginia

Woolf: A Room of One’s Own (1928, p. 9)


scenario(s) – new media ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• creative industry – in new entrepeneurial activities

• product design – in healthcare and entertainment

• communication – regonial/global media campaign

• entertainment – new concepts in private and public settings

• game development – serious games in education and corporate training


slogan(s) – scope(s) / learning goal(s)/approach ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• (low-level) basics/technology – to take away the magic

• (high-level) applications/tools – to achieve challenging target(s)


slogan(s) – digital art(s) / Deep Screen: Art in Digital Culture representation(s) / art(s) / science(s) / / .

In addition to taking role model of the media artist as a reference in educating our students, exhibitions indigital art, that is art that uses digital technology in an essential way, can be taken as example playgrounds,exploring the relation(s) between space, digital technologies and human perception and emotion. Suchexperiments may indicate new ways to deploy technology and provide a reference of how technology mayinfluence human experience, and provide the intellectual and cultural background against which studentprojects and experiments can be set.

media art(s)


slogan(s) – theme(s) / do you want to make a difference? ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• technology to innovate social processes

• social processes to innovate technology

. /

open source / de Waag / identity / connection(s) / cycle(s) / ..


slogan(s) – student(s) / every student is trained as an artist ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• (visual & concept) design

• (technology & application) development

• (aesthetic & intellectual) sensibility


slogan(s) – approach / with subtext(s) inspiration(s) / dilemma(s) / / .

• (cheap) philosophy – leads to ignorance and self-satisfaction

• colloquial wisdom – is an internet commodity

• common sense – only results in confusion

creative thinking


slogan(s) – target(s) / creative technology & industrial design ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• concept(s) – instrumentation, interaction, visualisation

• context(s) – home, office & urban environment(s)

• approach(s) – (computational) simulation(s) & exploration(s)


slogan(s) – program(s) / creative technology ...

/ social / process / change(s) / design(s) / space(s) / .

• technology – new media, smart technology

• creative applications – creativity (mental + artistic), psychology, research/design methods, communication

• business – marketing, planning, project management


slogan(s) – truth(s) / all truth passes through three stages / event(s) expression(s) / politic(s) / creativity/ / .

• first, it is ridiculed.

• second, it is violently opposed.

• third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

Arthur Schopenhauer


theme(s) - creative technology / it’s all in the game... / idea(s) / change(s) / workshop(s) / / .

imagine original interaction

processing media art

experience creative technology

. /trailer / blog(s) / slogan(s) / cycle(s)/ ..


theme(s) – CT(...)G ... / idea(s) / change(s) / workshop(s) / / .



problem(s) / power(s) / game(s) / cycle(s)


theme(s) – display(s)... / idea(s) / change(s) / workshop(s) / / .




default(s) / common(s) / level(s) / game(s) / cycle(s)


theme(s) – literacy ... / idea(s) / change(s) / workshop(s) / / .

digital literacyspatial literacy

media literacyclassical literacy

design literacy


/ power(s) / game(s) / cycle(s)


theme(s) – kennis halen en delen multimedia @ VU / creative technology

inspiration(s) by artexploratory research

narrative(s) & game(s)


• personal – idea(s) & workshop(s) / game(s)

• student(s) – project(s) multimedia & game development

in collaboration with CAMERA @ VU / digikring


theme(s) - parent(s) / doe er wat aan!... / idea(s) / change(s) / workshop(s) / / .

talent(s) ongehoorzaamheid attitude(s)

artist(s) geek(s) nerd(s) gamer(s)

social network(s) addiction(s) landgenoten

reflection(s) // fun / ground(s) / science(s) / value(s) / cycle(s)


theme(s) - place(s)¡/red¿... / idea(s) / change(s) / workshop(s) / / .

create @ appspot EWI CTSG @ ning


common(s) topical media CTSG @ twitter

. / game(s) / cycle(s)/ ..


theme(s) - tool(s) / let’s collaborate! ... / team(s)

this page contains a number of tools to collaborate, including:

• a (privately) shared todo list

• a (privately) shared whiteboard

• a (publicly) shared presentation

• a (publicly) shared social network

at this stage, it is an experiment, but I think it is necessary to find effective ways to collaborate, also in real time.common(s) / cycle(s)


theme(s) - creative technology / it’s all in the game... / value(s) / idea(s) / workshop(s)

imagine original interaction

processing media art

experience creative technology

. / trailer / blog(s) / slogan(s) / cycle(s)

/ ..


media @ create ... / idea(s) / cycle(s) / / .

we create identity



media @ create ... / idea(s) / cycle(s) / / .

living and working tomorrow



media @ create ... / idea(s) / cycle(s) / / .

have fun and play!



media @ create ... / idea(s) / cycle(s) / / .

ambient screens



media @ create ... / idea(s) / cycle(s) / / .

hybrid worlds



media @ create ... / idea(s) / cycle(s) / / .

web technology



media @ create ... / idea(s) / cycle(s) / / .

interactive visualization



media @ create ... / idea(s) / cycle(s) / / .

web 2.0 mashup(s)



media @ create ... / idea(s) / cycle(s) / / .

virtual environments



media @ create ... / idea(s) / cycle(s) / / .

game development



media @ create ... / idea(s) / cycle(s) / / .

creative applications



media @ create ... / idea(s) / cycle(s) / / .

creative technology

default(s) / resource(s)




white-badge-ca1(s)eliens/.CREATE/collect-white.pdf · white-game-chance(s) world(s) / experience(s) / mechanics(s) / pattern(s) chance is tricky stu , because it intertwines hard - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.