Percabeth (2024)

Percabeth (1)4Percabeth (2)3Percabeth (3)3
“You’re not getting away from me. Never again.”
— Percy to Annabeth[1]

Percabeth is the het ship between Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase from the Camp Half-Blood Chronicles fandom.


  • 1 Canon
    • 1.1 Percy Jackson and the Olympians
      • 1.1.1 The Lightning Thief
      • 1.1.2 The Sea of Monsters
      • 1.1.3 The Titan's Curse
      • 1.1.4 The Battle of the Labyrinth
      • 1.1.5 The Last Olympian
    • 1.2 The Heroes of Olympus
      • 1.2.1 The Lost Hero
      • 1.2.2 The Son of Neptune
      • 1.2.3 The Mark of Athena
      • 1.2.4 The House of Hades
      • 1.2.5 The Blood of Olympus
    • 1.3 Trials of Apollo
      • 1.3.1 The Hidden Oracle
      • 1.3.2 The Tower of Nero
  • 3 Fanon
  • 4 Fandom
  • 5 Lists
  • 6 Gallery
    • 6.1 The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical
    • 6.2 Percy Jackson and the Olympians
    • 6.3 Fan Art
  • 7 Notes and references
  • 8 Navigation


Percy Jackson and the Olympians

The Lightning Thief

Percabeth (4)

Percy first laid eyes on Annabeth when he had just defeated the Minotaur (a creature half-man half-bull) and was approaching Camp-Half-Blood with Grover. he describes Annabeth as a "pretty girl, with blonde hair curled like a princess. A stereotypical California girl." When Annabeth spotted them she said "He's the one, he must be." To which Chiron tells her to settle down. Percy passes out soon after.

After he faints, she nurses him back to health. When he wakes up for a few minutes, she feeds him ambrosia, the food of the gods, to help heal him. She asks him about the Summer Solstice and if he knows anything about it, which he doesn't. He passes out again, and are reunited when Chiron formally introduces the two. Percy expected her to be impressed but she tells him that he drools in his sleep instead.

Because Percy is unaware of who his godly parent is, he is put in the Hermes Cabin. She introduces him to Luke, who several times in the book mentions how she possibly likes him more than a friend. After exiting the cabin, Percy believes Annabeth doesn't know anything about him, but is surprised when he learns that Annabeth has had similar experiences just like him. She teaches him about demigod life, monsters, and how their parents don't really associate with them. Percy gets disappointed when Annabeth believes his parents didn't love each other enough for his dad to reveal the truth to his mom. Percy begins to have doubts about being a demigod and Annabeth assures him that otherwise the ambrosia that she gave him would have killed him immediately. She teaches him how his ADHD keeps him alive by helping him fight monsters and how Dyslexia helps him read Greek. He confides in Annabeth of what happened with the Minotaur and his mother. Percy learns about Annabeth's godly parent Athena and how her father is a professor at a university.

Because of Percy's bathroom incident with the Ares kids, she wants him on her team during Capture the Flag. The camp is divided in two teams, Red and Blue. Percy being on the Hermes Cabin temporarily, is put in the blue team, which Annabeth happens to be the leader of being the leader of Cabin 6, Athena's Cabin. Annabeth, aware that Clarisse would most likely want to take revenge on Percy, so she uses him as bait to guarantee their win. Percy did not sit well with this as he could've been seriously hurt, but Annabeth assured him that she would've helped him if she felt he needed it.

Later, Percy is issued a quest as the gods believe it was him that stole Zeus' lightning bolt. Annabeth convinces him that she should be chosen for this quest as she has waited her entire life for something like this. She wants to prove to her mother that she has what it takes. During the quest, Annabeth informs Percy that she does not hate him, which Percy suspects. She teaches him about their parent's history and how Poseidon and Athena are enemies so therefore they can't be friends.

Percabeth (6)

The three stumble paths with Ares who sends them to collect his shield that he lost when he and Aphrodite went to the water park. When they arrive, Percy asks Annabeth to go with him on the Thrill Ride of Love, while Grover flies overhead with Hemes winged shoes. However, Annabeth feels awkward about stepping into the Tunnel of Love with Percy to get Ares' shield. They eventually go in, which leads to Percy saving Annabeth from the spiders that are part of the Hephaestus's trap to catch Ares and Aphrodite together.

Later, with the help of Ares, the three hop on a truck heading west, during which Annabeth and Percy talk about the possibility of war between the gods while Grover sleeps. They briefly touch on their personal backgrounds (mainly their godly parents). Annabeth reveals how she wants to be an architect when she grows up because she wants to build something permanent. Percy asks her whether — if the gods do go to war — Poseidon and Athena will be on opposite sides like they were during the Trojan War. Annabeth admits that she doesn't know, but she would fight alongside Percy regardless since they are friends. However, she quickly follows this question by asking if he has any more stupid questions.

While traveling through the Underworld on the boat, Annabeth takes hold of Percy's hand to make sure she's not the only one alive. Percy says he normally would've been embarrassed, but this isn't this time. When Percy is faced with the choice of saving his mother or the world, Annabeth volunteers to stay so Percy can take his mother back, but in the end, they are forced to leave without Sally. Annabeth offers her condolences to Percy later and is likely thrilled when Percy gets his mother back. Percy later encourages Annabeth to give her father another chance after everything that happened between her family. She agrees and they high five as they state how they will go after Luke next summer for betraying the camp.

The Sea of Monsters

Annabeth begins to show slight feelings for Percy, and Percy also starts to have feelings for Annabeth.Percy sees a shadow as he wakes up from his dream, which we later know it was Annabeth looking through the window. Percy keeps a photo of Annabeth in his binder as he knows she wants to be an architect when she grows up. Kids in his school which later turn out to be monsters, pass the photo around teasing him about his friendship with her. Annabeth shows herself during PE and helps Percy defeat them as well as making Percy see beyond the mist and find out his best friend Tyson wasn't human either. Annabeth's cheeks grew red when Percy discovered she was keeping an eye on him all afternoon, even as he was getting dressed, which Annabeth quickly changed the topic. When the camp announced the return of the Chariot Races, Annabeth and Percy decide to pair up, but they have a fallout because of Percy's friend Tyson who Annabeth distrusts. Percy is unaware that Annabeth hates Cyclops because they are the reason Annabeth's childhood friend, Thalia, is gone. During the Chariot Races, Percy and Annabeth work together to drive the Stymphalian birds away from attacking campers. They get punished rather than praised and have to clean the kitchens. Annabeth and Percy call it truce.

Percy and Annabeth agree to sneak out and try to save the camp even after the camp told them not to, and this quest not being assigned to them. Percy confides in Percy about his empathy link with Grover and how he needs their help. Annabeth revealed the truth about Thalia to Percy later on.

When Percy displayed perfect bearings while out at sea, Annabeth sees that as "so cool" even though Percy had misgivings about being a human GPS unit. He also states that he felt (sort of) jealous when she talked about Luke considering he thought Annabeth had a crush on him the year prior and has known her since she was 7 years old. Even after she knew that Luke had betrayed the camp, she still felt that he had good in him left.

Percabeth (7)

On Circe's island, Percy is shocked when he sees Annabeth with makeup, and thinks he would be tongue-tied if he wasn't a guinea pig at the moment. She hugs him when he changes back into a human. When passing by the sirens, Percy is shocked to find out that Annabeth wants to hear their singing instead of blocking it out. Turns out, the Sirens' voices were too powerful and Annabeth begins to swim towards them. Percy trying to stop her, touches her foot and he saw what she did for a moment. He sees Annabeth's parents for the first time and Luke back when he was a good guy along with buildings behind them that she apparently created. Percy knows from last year that she wants to be an architect, and build something that will last a long time due to the fact that everything she once had and loved (mainly family) came crashing down. Percy pulls her down underwater to prevent her from hearing the sirens' call, but forgets Annabeth can't breath underwater like he can. So, he creates a bubble of water around them to keep her from drowning, she broke out crying in his shoulder.

Back in the camp once they completed their quest, they redo the Chariot Races and this time, both Percy and Annabeth win. Following their win, she kisses him on the cheek.

The Titan's Curse

After she jokingly punches him, Percy and Annabeth dance. Nervous, Percy tries to focus on anything but the fact that Annabeth is taller, that his hands are — in his mind — sweaty and gross, and that he is probably stepping on her toes. After slow-dancing with her, a fight breaks out and the monster takes Annabeth with him, which unsettles Percy. Nico DiAngelo makes a comment of Annabeth being Percy's girlfriend noting how close the two are.

Through a dream, Percy sees Annabeth being manipulated by Luke to take the sky (the job of Atlas). Noticing how Annabeth won't last long carrying the sky, Percy is desperate to help her.

Percy finds out that Annabeth had almost become a Hunter at one point when she was traveling with Luke and Thalia in her early days, and that the option remains open. Percy is terrified that Annabeth could leave him.

Percabeth (8)

When Percy meets Aphrodite, she looks like Annabeth, she tells him that she appears as the person they love most. Aphrodite forces him to reveal aloud that his reason for going on the quest was mostly about saving Annabeth from Luke. He misses Annabeth at the Hoover Dam, thinking that she would love that place if she were there.

While being attacked by Atlas, Annabeth wants to go back to holding the sky so Artemis can fight, but Percy takes the weight instead. Later, while she seems grateful to everyone who rescued her, she expresses her gratitude mostly to Percy. The two have a conversation where Annabeth asks him if he ever though she was dead, he replied saying never.

While Artemis is asking Zeus if someone could join the Hunt, Percy thinks it is going to be Annabeth and he proceeds to beg Annabeth not to join the Hunt. Percy figures out that it wasn’t Annabeth that was going to join the Hunt, and he feels relieved. Due to her growing feelings for Percy, Annabeth has clearly changed her mind on the subject for good.

During the Olympian party, Athena approaches Percy and tells him how she doesn't approve of his relationship with her daughter. Annabeth meets up with them and Percy suggests they finish their dance. Annabeth smiles, takes his hand, and they dance away. Percy hears a slow song and wonders what music everyone else hears.

The Battle of the Labyrinth

Percy and Annabeth were supposed to go on a 'date' (which Sally describes it) at the beginning of the book, but it got put on hold when monsters attacked the school. Annabeth met Percy in the street for their date, but instead they ended up going to Camp-Half-Blood with a very jealous Annabeth after she watched Rachel, a friend that he met the year prior, write her phone number on Percy's arm.

During breakfast one day, Annabeth breaks the rules and sits at Percy's table to talk about their upcoming quest. Before they embark on the quest, Annabeth and Percy hug. Annabeth becomes extremely jealous and moody every time Percy mentions Rachel Elizabeth Dare. When they find the Labyrinth, Annabeth holds Percy's hands. To Percy, if it was public, he would have been embarrassed, but it is dark and only them.

Percabeth (9)

Later, when Percy walks into the Athena Cabin to talk to Annabeth, he asks her what the last part of the prophecy was about. In response, she tears up and holds out her hands, and Percy walks over to hug her. However, they are interrupted by Malcolm, to whom they awkwardly say they were preparing for the quest.

In the Labyrinth, Annabeth and Percy's relationship took a turn. When Annabeth tried her best to make sure Luke didn't hurt them, Luke persuaded the monsters to spare her and only her. Percy got jealous about it and it caused a conflict between them when they escaped the arena. When Percy praised Rachel for throwing a hair brush at Kronos, Annabeth became insanely jealous about it.

In Mount St. Helens, Percy risks his life so Annabeth can escape to safety, and she kisses him before putting on her magic Yankees cap and disappearing. She and the rest of camp presume he is dead, completely unaware that he has been stuck on Ogygia with Calypso for two weeks. At Sally's place, Percy sees Annabeth smile for the first time in days and states that "it was so good to see". Percy has the plan on bringing Rachel along, which Annabeth refuses to bring her along in the quest, her quest, to save the camp.

When he returns, Annabeth hugs him fiercely until she realizes she is making a scene. She is furious at Percy for being gone so long, and when she figures out where he was marooned, she gets even angrier. When they return to Camp Half-Blood, their relationship remains slightly shaky; partially due to Annabeth's feelings for Luke, which annoyed Percy. He asks her once again what was the prophecy and she said, "You shall delve in the darkness of the endless maze. The dead, the traitor, and the lost one raise. You shall rise or fall by the ghost kings hand the child of Athens's final stand destroy with a hero's final breath and... lose a love to worst then death." Percy thinking the last part was talking about Luke, got jealous. He started thinking about how everything got so complicated with them, Rachel, Luke etc. and he wanted to tell her his feelings about her, but she left before he got the change to say anything.

The Last Olympian

As Percy and Annabeth are inspecting the cabins at camp and arrive at Athena's, Annabeth begins to say something about her feelings for Percy, but they are interrupted by Annabeth's second-in-command Malcolm. Percy finds this awkward and nerve-wracking, since the rules are that demigods of the opposite gender are not allowed to be in one cabin alone unless they are siblings.

Percabeth (10)

While Percy is bathing in the River Styx, he has to choose one thing to think of in order to keep him anchored to the mortal world. He imagines Annabeth pulling him out of the Camp Half-Blood lake, saying "Hold on, Seaweed Brain, you're not getting away from me that easily." This causes the imaginary cord connected to his lower back to strengthen and eventually pull him out of the river.

During Camp Half Blood's war preparations, or during the war itself, every time a difficult task is at hand, Percy volunteers either to protect Annabeth or to ask for her help. During a battle, Percy is about to get stabbed at his one weak point, which would have caused his immediate death. However, Annabeth intercepts the blow, even though Percy had never told her the location of his Achilles spot. Percy immediately becomes very defensive of her, making sure no one touches her. Later, as Annabeth is healing, she and Percy are immersed in a romantic moment, but Connor interrupts and states that Grover has arrived.

On the way to Mount Olympus, they cross a dangerously crumbling bridge. Everyone gets to the other side safely except for Annabeth. She almost falls, but Percy saves her with the help of his friends. As Percy pulls her back up, they realize that their arms are around each other and awkwardly untangle themselves.

Percabeth (11)

Soon, Kronos and Luke reach to Olympus; and Annabeth, Percy, Thalia, and Grover are the only ones there to protect the ancient city. A statue falls over Thalia, and she urges them to go on. Grover gets knocked out almost immediately. Kronos strikes at Percy and paralyzes him. Then Kronos attacks Annabeth and wounds her badly. Luke regains control of himself, and stabs himself to kill Kronos once and for all. As he lays dying, he asks Annabeth if she ever loved him. She replies that she thought of him as a brother. Near the end, as Percy is being offered immortality and life in Olympus, Annabeth appears to be terrified that Percy will leave her, similar to the way Percy felt when she almost became a Hunter. He turns down the offer, primarily because of Annabeth, and she cries in relief. Back at camp, Annabeth holds a private birthday party for Percy, with a homemade cupcake. Percy confesses his vision in the River Styx. He tries to tell her how he feels about her, but Annabeth simply smiles at him, as if she was trying to hold in her laughter. Percy complains that she isn't making things easy for him, to which Annabeth replies by putting her arms around his neck and saying that she would never make things easy for him. She kisses him, while Percy states that he felt like his brain was melting right through his body, and that he could stay like that forever.

However, the campers, lead by Clarisse La Rue, interrupt and pick them both up, but allow them to be close enough to hold hands. They dump Percy and Annabeth into the lake, expecting them to resurface. But because Percy is a son of Poseidon, he creates an air bubble around the two of them, not unlike the one in the Bay of The Sirens in The Sea of Monsters, and they share what Percy describes as "the best underwater kiss of all time." They officially start their relationship, and when Annabeth says she wants to be an architect to make something permanent (hinting that they may be married in the future), Percy says that they were "off to a great start." Grover remarks that he is still Percy's best friend and that nothing has changed, except for Annabeth. Percy replies by saying "That's different," to which Grover agrees. As they leave Camp Half-Blood for the year, they race down the hill, and Percy states that for the first time, he "didn't look back".

The Heroes of Olympus

The Lost Hero

It is stated that Percy is Annabeth's boyfriend, showing they are still in a relationship. Annabeth meets Jason, Leo and Piper when she and Butch arrive to take them to camp. They later find out she really came because she had been receiving visions from Hera that a hero with one shoe (apparently Jason) would know where Percy is. Also, she goes looking for Percy again the same day Jason, Piper, and Leo depart for their quest. Annabeth was really worried about Percy and wished to find him as soon as possible.

When Jason is given his quest to rescue Hera from the capture of Porphyrion the giant king, Annabeth refuses to accompany the quest group. This is partly because the prophecy states that children of Hephaestus, Jupiter (Zeus), and Aphrodite will go instead, and partly out of her own distaste for Hera. Instead, she uses the time they are gone to continue her search for Percy.

After the quest group returns and relates their findings — the rise of the giants, the attempted return of Gaea, and the fact that Jason was "exchanged" to the Greek Camp Half-Blood — Annabeth puts everything together and realizes, as Jason has, that Percy has been taken to the Roman Camp called Camp Jupiter as the corresponding half of the exchange. She vows to accompany Jason, Piper, and Leo when they journey there to retrieve him.

The Son of Neptune

It is confirmed in the first chapter that besides Percy's own name and heritage as a demigod, Annabeth is the only aspect of his life that he can recall to any extent at that point. Not long after, Percy has a dream in which Annabeth appears along with Grover, telling him to "stay put". Percy has some internal conflict about leaving camp due to her warning, wanting desperately to see her, but ultimately, he leaves camp to complete the quest after making a promise to her that he would return. During the quest, Percy recognizes that though he wants very much to protect Camp Jupiter as well as his new friends Frank and Hazel, his drive for completing the mission relies heavily on Annabeth; he says his greatest fear is not the loss of his life, but that he might forget Annabeth's face as they get closer to Alaska.

When returning to Camp Jupiter with his memory fully intact, Percy is worried about his friends' safety at Camp Half-Blood. When Juno tells him that Annabeth would be an obstacle in the coming quest, Percy gets worried for her, as well as furious at Juno for taking eight months of his life with Annabeth and his other friends as well as for Juno labeling Annabeth as a troublemaker who will cause the most problems on the quest, causing Percy to lash out at her. As the Argo II finally arrives, Percy realizes Annabeth must be on the boat and thinks that, despite his lost time, it would be the greatest day of his life.

Throughout the book, Percy consistently refers to Annabeth as his girlfriend, even turning down blatant courtship from the Amazon Kinzie (as well as another insinuated courtship from Reyna) by saying he's already romantically involved. He also mentions many instances of past kissing, as well as stating that the two months he'd been dating Annabeth had been fantastic. Humorously, Percy mentions a down-side to dating the smartest girl at Camp Half-Blood: he actually learns things.

The Mark of Athena

It is mentioned that Annabeth liked Percy a little more through each year, finally she fell head over heels for him. And that her feelings for him grew exponentially once he disappeared. Percy's love also grew exponentially to the point where he liked certain aspects of Camp Jupiter because he was thinking of their future. He mentions this to her towards the beginning of the book, and it is a major point of re-connection between the two. This book is also when Percy and Annabeth reunite and kiss joyfully, and hugged each other. Annabeth also flips Percy over her shoulder, and says "I swear to all the gods, if you leave me again-". Percy laughed and told her to consider him warned, as he missed Annabeth too.

There are many instances throughout the book where Annabeth is stuck thinking about the amount of pain she experienced during the 8 months that Percy was missing. Especially at the beginning, it seems as if her experiences during this time would end up harming their relationship, simply due to the level of hurt and loss that she experienced. While this does not entirely disappear through the middle and end of the book, it is clear by the end that their positive feelings for each other have overcome any previous pain that they have been through.

Percabeth (12)

There are also moments throughout the book where it is evident that Percy and Annabeth are growing closer, and falling in love. At the beginning, Annabeth realizes that Reyna had made a move on Percy, and that he rejected Reyna for Annabeth. Annabeth promptly but silently forgives her boyfriend for everything he's ever done wrong because of that. On top of that, when she learned that the only thing Percy could remember after his memory was wiped was her name, Annabeth was so touched, she had to try hard not to cry. On the ship one night, Annabeth wakes Percy from his nightmare and takes him down to the ship's stables. She says she likes the stables for a reason, and after he looked around, Percy realized that she liked it because of a memory they both share. It reminds both of them of the time when they first actually talked on their first quest riding in the back of an animal transport truck.

Percy also mentions to Annabeth that back in New Rome, demigods could grow up and have families, indirectly implying that they may be able to do the same. Annabeth finds that to be very sweet but says that they probably ruined any chance of cooperation with the Romans, and it probably was not possible. Percy gets shy and tells her that he would think about that to give him hope that he would be reunited with her. They stay down there, talking for a bit, before falling asleep in each other's arms. In the morning, Frank finds them, and to their humiliation, Coach Hedge grounds them both in front of the other passengers. Piper then thinks to herself, jealous of Percy and Annabeth's relationships, wondering why she and Jason could not do anything romantic like that. Later in the book, after Percy rescuing Annabeth, Hazel, and Piper from Octavian and two others, Annabeth throws her arms around Percy and says, "I love you!", though this was probably said in the heat of the moment.

Percabeth (13)

Whenever Annabeth or Percy gets in danger, the other always is off to the rescue and is worried sick. After being apart for so long, a separation is almost unbearable. Percy finds himself wanting to make up for lost time but also realizes that he can only imagine to a small extent what it must have been like for Annabeth to endure for 8 months, not knowing where he was or if he was even alive. This mutual realization and subsequent sharing of the strength of their feelings for each other eventually leads to the promises that they make never to leave one another. This culminates in their final scene of the book, where Annabeth is about to be dragged into Tartarus by her entanglement in Arachne's webs. While they are both hanging off the edge of the chasm, with Percy holding on to her, they both realize that they are beyond the help of the other demigods. Percy demands that Nico promise to lead the others to the side of the Doors of Death which exists in the land of the living. Percy asserts to Annabeth that everything will be alright as long as they are together, and she understands the choice he is about to make. He lets go and they both fall into dark that leads to Tartarus. Nico later states that Percy is the most powerful demigod he has ever met, and if anyone were to survive Tartarus, it would be him.

There is a profoundly tragic element to their relationship, which appears in a more complex and troubling manner than the general personal tragedies of the first series of books. After all they had been through together in the first five books, they had finally overcome their own personal issues and reached a point where they could be happy together. In this new series, they can both barely comprehend the cruelty of their situation, in that they were separated when they had finally found an instance of peace together. Even in this book, they were hard put to understand the implications of their separation but were eventually able to overcome the tragedy of their separation. Despite this, their hardships as a couple reach a level that even they have never experienced before, as they both have to struggle to make their way out of the darkest, most painful situation they have ever experienced - Tartarus itself. However, both of them accept that it is part of being demigods.

The House of Hades

While still falling in Tartarus, Annabeth tells Percy "I love you," thinking that if she dies, those should be her last words. Throughout the book, it is mentioned several times that Annabeth is deeply in love with Percy and that she cannot live without him. She also thinks about their future at Camp Jupiter, which Percy mentioned before, and she states that she would like to die peacefully, after spending a long life with Percy. Percy meanwhile, returns her feelings, and it is mentioned that he had nightmares of Annabeth's death, something which frightened him.

Percy cares for her a lot, but he constantly thinks of sacrificing his life to save her, whereas Annabeth wants Percy to be alive, so that she can live with him. Towards the end, Annabeth kisses him, saying that she would tell Percy what she had in her mind about their future, after defeating Gaea.

The Blood of Olympus

Percy kisses Annabeth for a long time and then proceeds to tell Annabeth he loves her, melting her heart. They will be attending the same high school for senior year and will then go onto University in New Rome.

Trials of Apollo

The Hidden Oracle

Percy mentions that Annabeth is at Boston for a family emergency. Apollo asks if Annabeth was the "scary, blond one" and Percy says yes. He says that he had to promise Annabeth he won't get himself killed while she's gone.

The Tower of Nero

When Apollo becomes a god again he goes to visit Percy and Annabeth in New Rome.


“The world was collapsing and the only thing that mattered was that she was alive”
— Percy on Annabeth[2]
“I found myself staring at her, which was stupid since I've seen her a billion times... she seemed so much more mature... sure, she'd always been cute, but she was starting to be seriously beautiful.”
— Percy about Annabeth in the Last Olympian
Percy“Before I could lose my courage, Don't I get a kiss for luck? It's kind of a tradition, right?”
Annabeth“Come back alive, Seaweed Brain. Then, we'll see.”
— The Last Olympian
Annabeth“You promised, Seaweed Brain. We would not get separated! Ever again!”
Percy“You’re impossible!”
Annabeth“Love you too!”
— The House of Hades


Percabeth is one of the most popular and beloved Percy Jackson ships, and arguably the most popular in the franchise. In the "Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan" tag on AO3, Annabeth/Percy has the most fanfictions, with Solangelo in second.


Percy/Annabeth tag on AO3
Percy/Annabeth tag on FanFiction.Net
percabeth tag on Tumblr
percabeth posts on Tumblr
Percabeth Image Gallery on Viria Wiki
Percabeth on Couples of Olympus Wiki


9thMAY 9th 2022
8thAUG 23rd 2021APR 18th 2022
16thJAN 31st 2022MAY 23rd 2022


The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical

Percabeth (14)

Original Broadway Cast: Chris McCarrell (Percy) & Kristin Stokes (Annabeth)

Percabeth (15)

Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Percabeth (16)

Percabeth (17)

Percabeth (18)

Fan Art

All art in this section is fan made, and must be sourced back to the original artist. It also must have permission from the original artist to be posted here. If your art is here without your permission and you wish to have it taken down, please inform an admin, so that we may delete it.

Notes and references

  1. The House of Hades
  2. The Last Olympian


Percabeth (22)

Camp Half-Blood Chronicles ShipsCamp Half-Blood Chronicles Characters
slashThe Demigod Who LivedPatrochillesPercicoSolangeloValgrace
friendHalf-Blood TrioThe Seven
CHARACTERSmalePercy Jackson
femaleAnnabeth Chase
Percabeth (2024)


Do Annabeth and Percy get married? ›

Yes, Annabeth is married to Percy Jackson, and has three kids: Cast, Ethan, and Zoe. How was Annabeth Chase born? Annabeth Chase is the half-blood daughter of the goddess Athena and the mortal man Frederick Chase. She was born July 12, 1993.

What book does Percabeth kiss? ›

In Battle of the Labyrinth, when Percy and Annabeth are in the volcano and Annabeth thinks Percy is going to die. Twice in The Last Olympian, once in the dining area, and once in the famous underwater kiss. Mutiple times in The Mark of Athena, one being when they reunite and the iconic judo flip happens.

Does Percy ever kiss Annabeth? ›

Percy pulled Annabeth close and kissed her... long enough for it to get really awkward for Piper, though she said nothing. She thought about the old rule of Aphrodite's cabin: that to be recognized as a daughter of the love goddess, you had to break someone's heart.

Did Percy have a crush on Annabeth? ›

It's pretty clear that he loved Annabeth as far back as the first book The Lightening Thief. He described her as attractive and I think that's when he started having feelings for her. Percy didn't even like Rachel and doesn't now. He always had considered Rachel as just a friend and nothing more.

Who is Percy Jackson's girlfriend? ›

Annabeth Chase

Demigod daughter of Athena. Girlfriend of Percy Jackson. If you're stuck in Tartarus, she's the one you want on your team.

Does Percy remember Annabeth is his girlfriend? ›

He does remember his girlfriend, Annabeth, and waking up in Wolf House about two months ago. But that is all. When he awoke in Wolf House, he'd been given a magical pen that turns into a bronze sword. The sword is named Riptide.

Does Percy ever say I love you to Annabeth? ›

Percy kisses Annabeth for a long time and then proceeds to tell Annabeth he loves her. They will be attending the same high school for senior year and will then go onto University in New Rome.

What book do Percy and Annabeth sleep together? ›

"You drool when you sleep." When they accidentally fell asleep together on the Argo 2. It was a sweet moment for both of them and then it was turned into something funny for everyone else.

What book does Percy propose to Annabeth? ›

Percy proposing | Fandom. Well technically he proposed to Annabeth in the lightning thief when Percy threw a apple at Annabeth when playing hacky sack.

Who was Percy Jackson's crush? ›

Annabeth Chase

She dislikes him at first, but they become good friends over the course of the series, and eventually Percy confesses his feelings for her. Their relationship deepens in the Heroes of Olympus series. Percy imagines himself going to college with Annabeth and eventually marrying her.

Did Annabeth ever love Luke? ›

Annabeth also outwardly admits she had a crush on Luke in The Mark of Athena, the third book in Riordan's Heroes of Olympus series. Disney's Percy Jackson & the Olympians show hasn't suggested that Annabeth has feelings for Luke, painting a more platonic picture of their relationship.

Why did Calypso fall in love with Percy? ›

Calypso sort of has a thing for heroes, so naturally Percy caught her eye after landing on Ogygia.

Do Percy and Annabeth get together in the end? ›

Then comes a third kiss underwater in an air bubble made by Percy. They are together at the end of the series. It is hinted that they might be married one day in the future, as Annabeth said she wanted "to build something permanent," and Percy states that maybe they were "getting a good start together.”

What book do Percy and Annabeth become a couple? ›

He is aged fifteen in The Last Olympian, the son of Poseidon. Like Luke and Achilles he bathes in the River Styx and becomes invincible. He begins a romantic relationship with Annabeth Chase on his sixteenth birthday near the end of the book and even scores an underwater kiss.

Do Percy and Annabeth have a baby? ›

Family. Annabeth is married to Percy Jackson, and has three kids: Cast, Ethan, and Zoe.

Who does Percy Jackson end up with? ›

She dislikes him at first, but they become good friends over the course of the series, and eventually Percy confesses his feelings for her. Their relationship deepens in the Heroes of Olympus series. Percy imagines himself going to college with Annabeth and eventually marrying her.


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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.